Setting up my tent 3x3x6


Hey just wanted some input on setting up my tent, want to get the most bang for my buck!

Gonna use foxfam ocean forrest
Gonna be using Biobizz fert and nutes

What size pot should I use ?
Should I get a 400w hps or 600?
I have a 125w CFL, will that be enough
Instead gonna do 3 blue mammoth auto, would it be wiser to fit more ?

All input is appreciated thanks!


Active Member
since i just found this ill try to help you as much as i can since i too am growing auto blue mammoth. mine are still on the way from attitude so i cant help you with that particular strain, but i do have a 3x3 tent as well...

ok your 125watt cfl isnt going to be enough. if you only use cfls the rule of thumb is 100 watts per plant.
If you have the cash to buy it, go with the 600 for sure. You could use the 125 cfl and a 400 hps/mh if you need to. The thing you really want to keep in mind is that HID lighting needs to be cooled. By this i mean you either need a hood that is air cooled or you need to exchange the air in that room at a pretty decent speed.

The size pots you use...the most bang for your buck would be 3gal-5gal pots or bags. Since youre growing autos, you dont want to have to transplant all. Now 3 autos in a 3x3 tent isnt going to fill your tent. Im running a minimum of 6 autos per 3x3 tent with a 600 watt hps.

So basically my message to you is, you probably want to grow more than 3 plants because youre doing a soil grow not a hydro grow so your plants wont get as big. So to compensate for this id have more, smaller plants, with a large (600watt) light to shower them all in light so you do get the best bang for your buck.

i hope this helps.