Setting up my grow op, here's a few questions


Active Member
So let me start off by saying hey. I've used this forum for reference for all grows I've helped with or worked on, and I've also pointed quite a few people here. I decided it's time to stop lurking and make an account =P

Anyway, here's my plan for this grow op:

I'm building a dresser grow box [got the idea from here] with 360 degree CFL coverage. I plan on growing 2-4 plants in there, continuous veg, and then come next spring I'm transplanting em outside to late nature finish the job. I may also clip a few clones [infact I'm sure I will sex a few clones to be sure I'm not wasting my time with males.]

I was wondering how many CFL's should I use for optimal performance, and what wattage? I understand the spectrums and all that I need, I just want to have some opinnions on how many CFL's would do the job right.

I'll probably put each plant into 5 gallon buckets, or one large...LARGE container of soil [I'll probably go with the buckets]

I have all the draining and ventilation and lighting set-ups worked out and I'll post pictures once I'm finished with construction.

I've grown before, usually working with some friends, but this time it's my own deal. And for sure my first time with CFL's, hence the questions. I've read around, but as I said, I just wanted some personal opinions.

Also, what nutes would you recommend for this situation? Remember, I'm keeping them in veg for awhile and I'll probably have to clip them a few times to keep them down, but who knows?

And are there ANY good soils availible at lowes or walmart? If not I'll order some fox farms off the internet, but I was just wondering 'cause then I could pick it up as I pick up my other supplies.

I'll be starting a grow log soon, once I start germination.

So yeah, thanks. :)

[sorry for the rambling, i'm baked :bigjoint::leaf:]


Well-Known Member
If you veg plants now until next summer you'll run out of room in your grow cabinet. Plan to just veg to 8" and then flower in that cabinet, and it only takes 2-3weeks max to veg to that size.

There are people using nutes and soil from common retail sources, you just have to choose right. I'd say go with a soilless mix and shultz ferts if you want to use off the shelf stuff. If you use good stuff though like Foxfarm and brand name nutes you'll get much better results than using stuff from retail.

You don't use CFL's to grow plants in 5 gallon containers either.


Active Member
I've decided to use my whole closet not, for more room. I also planning adding more lights than expected. I should be able to veg for awhile, but if you think it'd be better to grow em a certain height and then flower em i could do that, then start my outdoor crop AFTER that crop for next year.
