Setting up inline fan

I know this is a really noob question and I have been researching this, I just want to make sure I understand this properly. If the grow space is a 6.5x6.5x6.5 tent and you have a 6" inch inline fan and carbon filter, the carbon filter would be placed inside the tent on the ground, you would then take ducting from the filter/fan to the cool tube back out the otherside of the hood through the exhaust port of the tent? And if you used a reflector with no cooltube/hood you would just keep the fan in the tent with no ducting at all and just make a passive intake hole? Sorry for the noob questions guys, I promise I will stop soon.
start to read on your research........carbon filter on the ground ? ​read read read
I have I called 3 hydro stores. I've searched different forum posts for this, some people said to hang the carbon filter in the tent, guys at the hydro store said to just set it on the ground. So everything I said was right except for the part where you put it on the ground?
set your room up and play about with your some small test......then pop back and you tell all of us on here and the one's you put a link up off...where the best place is to put your filter....... simples ;-)
Ty guys. I will have to research how to hang it up.

a convenient way to hang your filter in a tent is with bungees. just wrap the bungees around the filter as many time as needed to get a nice tight fit.
use 2 of the extra support bars (the bent ones) and the center bar of the ceiling.
1 bungee for each bar, 3 bungees.
If your filter is smaller, you can get by with two. If you have a 6.5 ft tent, i assume you have a center ceiling bar (structure).
Use the nylon? bungees, not the thick rubber? ones that barely stretch. Hooks go on the bars, bungees wrap around the filter. If the filter sags down, wrap it around again. If it will not wrap again (too short), use a slightly larger bungee. The correct bungees for the filter size will just take some trial and error.
It makes for a very tight hold at a very high point in the tent, which is good.
It is a little difficult to get up there. But it is a very very secure fit. If it takes an effort to get it down, it is not likely it is going to fall by accident.

Sounds like you are going with the carbon filter>ducting>aircooled hood> exhaust, setup?

If so, recommend putting the fan after the aircooled hoods. Although you will get a better pull with the fan right on the filter, you will be blowing in to the hoods, instead of pulling.

carbon filter>ducting>aircooled hood>ducting>fan >exhaust ducting

carbon filter> fan>ducting>aircooled hood>exhaust ducting

ya know? Maybe you already knew that. but by the way you described, it sounded like you did not.

The thing is, you will not get as good of air cooling this way as you would with a seperate air cool circuit.

If you have the means, seperate them. It is more efficient and gives you options as to what air (and at what cfm) you use to cool your hoods. This will require two fans though.

i see people put carbon filters on the ground when using them as air scrubbers. But not as single pass exhaust/filtration. On the ground as a single pass exhaust/filtration and air cool would be far from optimal.
Im a rookie buddy. Thanks for your post. The filter is pretty heavy, but these tents are designed to hold weight like that no problem right? I'll be setting it up next week, and I will refer back to your post here and tell you how it came out. Have a good weekend.
Yeah, they can take a bit of weight. As long as you have 2-3 points of contact it will hold it. Attaching to that center ceiling bar adds a ton of support.

Some filters are much heavier than others. Just keep an eye on it. Phresh Filters are quality and lightweight. Can Filters are high quality but much heavier.

No problem, glad to help.