Setting up a small grow in a rented house



Has anyone here set up a grow in a rented property before? I'm needing to move from where I live now to a rented property, and wanting to set up a 30 plant grow but i'm concerned about neighbours, noise, smell etc... especially in a terraced house where both neighbours are joined on to the property, although I can afford a semi detatched...

also I don;t want to go through a letting agency as some carry out inspections every three months if they manage the property, which is a no no for a grower.

I guess i'm just looking to see if others have done this without getting busted, and how? Ideally i'd like to buy myself a house, detatched with a few acres of land and no nearby neighbours, but this reality not dreamland and I can't afford that.

It would be a perpetual grow harvesting every five weeks, but i'm worried about spending the cash on the equipment and getting busted, and also turfed out the property by the landlord. Am I getting a bit too paranoid here?


Well-Known Member
Growing in a rented property isn't that hard. Just find out what kind of landlord your renting from and feel him out for awhile before you setup. If your getting this paranoid now what are you going to do when your whole house smells like weed? Just relax and get a property picked out and just talk to the landlord for while. See if they are the kind of person that will show up unannounced or if they just want they rent payment and don't care


Well-Known Member
paranoia is reasonable in a rental, so you're not unreasonably paranoid
generally, landlords need to give 24 hour notice of inspection
which means you must have a plan to 'safety' up your grow in that time
some do grow in rentals, but it does increase risk


Well-Known Member
Ideally find a out of state landlord, where you just send him your payments. Just don't be late on anything and keep the house up. But beware there's always the risk. Your playing odds, figure out if you think they're in your favor. Lots of things to consider to be safe. GL.


Well-Known Member
be very careful when u dont have total control of who shows up and worse, may enter ur place. read stickies on security, great tips. grow carefully my friend in weed

strain horder

Active Member
It really depends on the state you are in. One states rental laws don't apply in another. I can tell you in CA it's not that big of a deal. In CA, the only time a landlord has the right to enter without your permission is :

1) and emergency like a fire or a your unit is flooding the one below it, etc. Has to be a real emergency
2) When you vacate the property for a move out inspection.
3) to show the unit to a potential buyer or representative from the bank for refi or sale.

It's under: Civil Code 1954

Ultimately it will depend on the state you are in..


Well-Known Member
Don't forget to get renter's insurance just in-case you have a break-in and someone steels the weed. 15 minutes can save you 15 grams if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
get ontop of the smell and 90% of your worries will vanish
some strains are not so smelly, this can help
ozone can work well
keeping the temps down as much as possible helps control the smell also
having the grow in one of the bedrooms would be better for privicy if service men visit
or if a landlord turns up and you have complete control of the smell, its quite exceptible to not let them see your bedroom
but allow them in the lower part of the house
using equipment that can be hidden easy helps
instead of 1 large system several smaller systems that can stack inside each other etc
its hard to hide a 10ft flood table lol
if you plain it right you should have no problems



Well-Known Member
Another thing to consider is the complete system in itself and where you're living. Whether it's in the middle of a city or rural area. If you have somewhere you CAN in fact move them to just in case you get a 24 hour notice it's a plus. Woods out back etc. That would apply to soil only pretty much though. Had this happen to a buddy a few years ago. Everything turned out better than expected :bigjoint:
Like a few other people said you should find out what the laws and everything are so you can figure out some sort of plan. An out of state landlord would be awesome. One that lives close by is kind of hit or miss. I rented a property and the owner lived in the same town as me. I never seen or heard from him in the 2.5 years I was there. I sent him a check every month on time and that was that. I had another one that was in the same town when I moved from that place. Same deal except I only stayed there for a year.
This is where it gets kinda weird though. A place I had rented before those 2 the landlord lived one state over. He would personally come every other month and "drop in" on his tenants.
Imo your biggest issue will be the neighbors. Don't slack on killing the smell. I'd go overboard if it were me. 30 plants indoors will push off a LOT of odor. Especially during flower. Just keep that in mind. You also don't want to socialize with them really. Don't invite them in. Don't invite them over. Nothing. Anyone that comes in or out of there is a security risk. If they're into smoking it doesn't matter. Tell em you're going to school to get a job with the DEA or something. Your dad works in the local police dept and so do your 9 uncles. Whatever it takes to keep em away and not interested in you. There are no friends in this game.
If I were you I'd honestly look at some place out in a rural area. Rent will probably be cheaper and you won't have to worry about security if lets say your odor control systems go out. That's just my 2GP though. Being out in the sticks eliminates the people next door AND down the street.


First off your number one is smell - but I found a good carbon filter will handle that problem -
Second you need to think about how your grow room looks from outside - try to find a place where the window is facing away from where there will be alot of foot traffic - top floor of a townhouse or top floor of a 3 story walk up -
The next thing about rentals as mentioned above is the 24 hour landlord notice - so make sure you can tear down your op in a day if nessesary - I just torn my room down in 3 hours - now it was a bit of a pain and I think that getting a grow tent is a good solution if you have to tear it down fast -
You need to do your research on the landlord what type of people live around your potential rental - you want a quite area - low key - and it is always better to live in the grow op rather than just stopping in to do maintenance and check up on the ladies - I've managed many rental prop grows - so I ll be glad to help if I can - make sure to take your time in picking a rental, if your like me you just wanna get Rollin but its key to find the right place - could be the difference between big harvests and bars,

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Im not 100% on the laws up in the states, but i know that as a tennant, you have quite a few rights, like landlords have to give notice of an inspection atleast 24 hours in advance
It would be better to rent from a private individual, i dont suggest one that lives out of state as they would probably get a rental agency to manage the property. you could always make it stealth, not convert a room or set up a giant tent, you only get inspections every 1-3 months, clean the place up nice, leave the windows open all morning. turn you fans off and seal it up no no air leakes out. they arent going to go through your clothes/personal stuff, so ive had this brainchild idea for a while for when i move out into a rental property, gut out a tallboy chest of drawers, and a wardrobe
use the dresser to hold a mother and veg 4 clones at once, set up the closet with 2 levels, 4 plants each level, have them on alternating harvests, so then the clones veg for 4 weeks before they go straight under a screen in the flower room. using an 8 week flowering strain. i was going to be using 8 x 130w cfl's in the closet, just over 1000W and hoping to harvest a pound per month. go stealth on this one, might be worth a look


Well-Known Member
get a few packs of female ceeds c99 and pheno hunt. I had a pheno which did not smell at all until chop but when it did get chopped it reeked of pineapple and was really top notch smoke. damn how I regret not revegging that. Had a few more c99 plants and they do smell a little. not really stank like some others ive had