Seriously bizarre question for you guys ( organics )


Active Member
I am growing organically because here in Colorado there are many medical marijuana patients who prefer organically grown. In my research I found that human urine is an enormously effective fertilizer, so much so that Finland has been conducting experiments using urine. Enormously high in nitrogen, as high as 49%. Anyways, since starting urine fertilization, my plants are responding beautifully ( you need to water it down about 1 part urine to 5 parts water). So my question is this, since THC is expelled in the urine, do you think plants will utilize this premade THC?

I know some people will say EEEWWW!!! GROSS!!! But before you do I invite you to Google human urine as fertilizer I think you'll be amazed when you read the results.
I know piss is high in Nitrogen, and safe to use. I also understand people's reluctance to use it as a nutrient, after all, it is a pretty gross idea! I don't use it myself (not because it's gross, it's just the "unknown element"). Maybe when more information is commonplace I'll "Take a leak for Science!". But I digress.

To answer your question, no, THC in your urine/nutrients would not make your plants more potent. Your plants don't recognize THC as a basic nutrient, therefore they wont take it up through thier roots. Sorry, same goes for Bong Water!