
Well-Known Member
I have this clone. Here is what happened, not why. I went to transfer a plant in an pot full of rockwool cubes. It had been there almost a week. As i lifted the plant i saw all the rockwool had clumped in one mass. I have never seen rockwool in action for an ebb and flo pot. I thought they wud all fall off and the media wud be loose. SO i fig it was overwatered and wet, i pulled it a little. It turns out that in rockwool pots the roots grow thru all the rockwool making a mass. Im sure u all know this. Anyhway i pulled gently and flicked gently all the rockwool off. I did this pretty good, but here it is, I PULLED ABOUT A HALF INCH OF THE LOWER ROOTS OFF A CLONE THAT HAD ONLY 4 OR 4 INCHES OF ROOTS BUILT UP. I left a lotta roots one the clone tho, and sucssesfully replanted in tire mulch media in a net pot for dwc vegg box. By successfully i mean its in there a fari amount of cut roots and looking pretty even for 6 hours now. WHAT HAS THIS DONE TO THE CLOEN ON A LONG TERM BASIS. WILL IT BE STUNTED, HERMIED, DEAD SOON ? AM I WASTING MY TIME WITH FLOWERING HER LATER AS SHE IS PERM STUNTED ANDWILL HAVE LO YEILD? i was in caps becasue i write piss poor and no one understands where my wuestion lies and my rambling begins!!! ROFL any help?kiss-ass:twisted:



Well-Known Member
anybody? dont want this baby to be a varaiable in my plans. Wanna know if i shud cry now. I a first time grower


Well-Known Member
People think that pot is some magic plant, ITS A WEED, it will grow fine, just don't fuck with it anymore. When I used to plant outside I used to rip the bottom inch or 2 off the roots to make the new ones head down deep