septoria leaf spot problems need help with fungicide


So my whole crop was getting hit by what I thought where leaf hoppers and turned out to be dread septoria leaf spot. My main problem is i sunk all my money inter all the stuff that goes intk growing allready and don't want to loose my whole crop i can't afford 50 dollar general hydro stuff which i heard is the best.. i see all kinds of fungicide sprays on amazon for 10 dollars but i don't know which is safe for marijuana plants bc I know most of these are made for food never meant to be burnt which can change chemical structures safe to eat into posion in the lungs when combusted. Can anyone who has dealt with this point me in the directions of a cheap fungicide that will kill this without breaking the bank. Growing out outdoors in newengland is so stressful every year its something new i pulled all infected leaves but left them in a pile on the ground im guna burn them tonight. 1 plant is so far gone im thinking of just killing it the other 6 look like I can save them if I act now. I will post pictures of the plants later. I did have bee safe 3 in 1 on hand as a pesticide but my friend told me it has a weak fungicide in it so I hit my plants with that heavey last night can I keep using that or do I need something more specific for septoria? I'll attach a picture of what I already have. Do I even need to order something new?


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So my whole crop was getting hit by what I thought where leaf hoppers and turned out to be dread septoria leaf spot. My main problem is i sunk all my money inter all the stuff that goes intk growing allready and don't want to loose my whole crop i can't afford 50 dollar general hydro stuff which i heard is the best.. i see all kinds of fungicide sprays on amazon for 10 dollars but i don't know which is safe for marijuana plants bc I know most of these are made for food never meant to be burnt which can change chemical structures safe to eat into posion in the lungs when combusted. Can anyone who has dealt with this point me in the directions of a cheap fungicide that will kill this without breaking the bank. Growing out outdoors in newengland is so stressful every year its something new i pulled all infected leaves but left them in a pile on the ground im guna burn them tonight. 1 plant is so far gone im thinking of just killing it the other 6 look like I can save them if I act now. I will post pictures of the plants later. I did have bee safe 3 in 1 on hand as a pesticide but my friend told me it has a weak fungicide in it so I hit my plants with that heavey last night can I keep using that or do I need something more specific for septoria? I'll attach a picture of what I already have. Do I even need to order something new?
I had some luck using a sulphur based solution, ( no copper), my friend created. Probably saved my grow this year!
Forst off thank you for your help and in the other thread. Do you think me spraying them with the bee safe 3 in 1 will help at all while I wait for the stuff you mentioned to come in the mail? It has a fungicide in it im not positive off top of my head what it is I can check later. Also when this comes in do I only need to spray the leafs and foliage or do I have to spray the buds itself too. I have read that this fungal disease doesn't spread to the buds but will greatly effect yield and quality.
Forst off thank you for your help and in the other thread. Do you think me spraying them with the bee safe 3 in 1 will help at all while I wait for the stuff you mentioned to come in the mail? It has a fungicide in it im not positive off top of my head what it is I can check later. Also when this comes in do I only need to spray the leafs and foliage or do I have to spray the buds itself too. I have read that this fungal disease doesn't spread to the buds but will greatly effect yield and quality.
In my experience, leaf septoria will spread into the buds through the sugar leaves and create dead spots in the buds. I'll post pics when I get time.
Go ahead and use what you have until the GFF arrives.. Spraying the buds should be ok,, You can always do a bud wash at harvest.. I hope this works out for you.. Good luck!

Yellow Leaf Spot (Leaf Septoria) & Cannabis - Get Rid of It Quickly! (
By bud wash do you mean like dipping the whole colas and shaking them in a water and solution of something else (or mybe that was just for this one pest video I watched my I will only need water) or are you referring to a different process?

Also I just ordered the stuff you suggested should be here in 2 days. 2 plants are much worse off than the other 5 1 if deff lost I think, imm be surprised if it bounces back or produces anything worth even making edibles or concentrate with, time will tell
I have move th 2 bad plants to the opposite side of my house from the better off plant. Why would you say to use this product compared to the ones that use either copper or sulfur to fight the yellow leaf spot/ septoria? Thank you so much for all you help this is only my third grow and only first time with any problems. Have been very muggy and humid raining a lot in north east this year and didn't stay up on preventative care like I should have as I had never have this issue before


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Also wondering if it is ok to mix the fungicide i ordered with the safer caterpillar spray or do I need to spay them separately


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