Separate/lightproof two rooms - need suggestions (pics)


Well-Known Member
I have a 12 1/2 ft X 9 1/2 foot room that has a 4X2 closet. The closet is going to be the clone/veg room while the actual room is going to be flower. I need to lightproof these two rooms. I can't just seal it up permanently because I'll need to get in there to attend to my clones and vegging plants.

A friend of mine suggested I use a huge piece of wood and just slide it over when I need in, but that wont work because of the cool tube and ducting (ducting is not attached yet). I have a roll of black plastic sheeting which I think may work pretty good, but what would I use to seal the edges? Taping it all up would be alot of work everytime I need in there but that's about the only option I can think of right now. I also thought of velcro, but I'm not sure if light will bleed through. Any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
Your black poly will work, And I used velcro strips and it worked great just make sure when you start a strip of velcro start at the edge and work your way down all the way to other edge. If you try to splice it light will leak through. and double up your poly if you can it will help.

YAAAA I'm a Ganja Smoker now!!!!!!!!
Your black poly will work, And I used velcro strips and it worked great just make sure when you start a strip of velcro start at the edge and work your way down all the way to other edge. If you try to splice it light will leak through. and double up your poly if you can it will help.

YAAAA I'm a Ganja Smoker now!!!!!!!!
Like he said the black poly should be fine add some velcro strips and you will be fine.


whoops.. to finish.. I mean put up the black poly sheets and seal it tight. Then stick this zipper on and use a razor to cut the door. It works EXTREMELY well.

Also, it might be a pain to only get to access your clones during the flowering daylight schedule. Just sayin...