Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Wow big surprise, MI republicans are trying to take away more rights from more people. I wish our republicans in office were more sensible like some of the other state's republicans.


Active Member
Here's the letter I sent to my representatives:

As a concerned citizen and supporter of the TEA Party movement, I urge you to vote no on Senate Bill 377.

In 2008 the citizens of the State of Michigan overwhelmingly voted into law the compassionate use of medical marijuana for citizens suffering a number of debilitating conditions. Since then, a number of municipalities, townships, mayors, police officers, prosecutors, and representatives are ignoring the will of the people by continuing to harass and arrest citizens for their non-violent crimes, and enacting ordinances and laws to restrict their ability obtain their doctor recommended medicine.

Senate Bill 377 violates the doctor-patient confidentiality laws by requiring all applicants who are issued state licenses have their names and addresses turned over to the state and local police. This will do nothing but lead to discrimination by police, unwarranted search and seizures, and harassment. This type of identification is similar to what was used by Nazi Germany in identifying Jews with yellow stars sewn on their coats.

If such a bill is a good idea, then all prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs, including the dangerous ones such as alcohol and cigarettes, must also be reported to the police so they know who is taking these substances. And why stop there, why don’t we make it mandatory to report to police which people have an STD, AIDS, a hernia, or any medical reason. To single out non-violent medical users of marijuana is ludicrous and discriminatory.

Privacy from government, private institutions, and other members of society is one of the greatest liberties we as Americans have. To violate this confidentiality is treasonous and flies in the face of our founding fathers beliefs.

I realize there are elements in our society who will exploit our medical marijuana laws, but they are same ones who will exploit anything else for their own selfish gain. But you have this in every facet of society; alcohol purchasers for minors, prescription pill pushers, drug runners, Enron. To punish the whole citizenry is nothing more than acting like a 3rd grade school teacher punishing the whole class over one bad apple. Punish the law breakers; not the ones trying to be open, honest, and good citizens.

Besides, having an agency start reporting all people who are issued cards will do nothing but increase the size and scope of government, and it will make the black market continue to operate. This is not what libertarians, conservatives, TEA Partiers, and independent voters want. We want less government, less government intrusion, less tax burden; basically we want the government out of our lives. We elected you for this very purpose, not to expand and regulate more.

So in closing, please vote no on Senate Bill 377. I thank you for your time and will be watching which way you choose to vote and act accordingly next election.