Selling Plants


Active Member
I was just wondering... I know that a lot of growers get cuttings to start. I think that this is always sort of a risky way to start growing just because if you're asking around chances are more and more people are going to find out you want in the growing business too.

I'm thinking of not only growing my own bud to sell but maybe to sell plants as well. (Through one of my dealers, we have been talking) How much would y'all sell them for? I'm guessing it would be different for how tall they are... etc.


Junior Creatologist
im the profiteering type, but i would still just give my cuttings away. IF anyone knew i had cuttings to give!! lol. DONT TELL ANYONE ABOUT YOUR GROW.


Well-Known Member
or u could just grow the bud on that plant and make more money off it. sell clone from it..... keep a mother for clone and sell them. make ur own strain.. make seeds of the same strain an sell them.

dont sell the plant, that is the centre of ur money source!