Seems to just be the bottom fan leaves…


Well-Known Member
Not sure what’s going on here. Have no nutrients last time they were watered. They were very thirsty today but I don’t see where that would make that particular discoloration.

Any advice of where to start?



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Just a guess, but I would think the micro climate made by those leaves hanging so far down would make a wonderful place for fungi to grow. I'd trim the effected leaves and get some air movement around the base of your girls.
None of the above.

They need food, they ate everything in the soil. So the plant pulls nutrients from fan leaves down low to support new growth up top.

What nutrients do you plan to use?
They’re in Happy Frog soil and have been in the gallon pots for a few weeks now. I had used Cultivation Nation “Grow” with a seedling dose 3 waterings ago. Had gotten some very slight yellow tips so the next 2 waterings have been just regular R/O water. I also have Micro and I think Bloom but obv Grow and Micro would be the only ones for now. Probably going to go into the 5 gallon bags here really soon and I was going to use some great white when I do that although I don’t know much about it. Might be too late for that product.
I would pull the affected leaves and transplant. New soil should give it plenty of nutes.
Affected fan leaves have gone back to nature. I have a 4 day weekend so probably a good time to go ahead and move to final cloth pots. I can always add Grow or Micro if need me as well.
Ro water no nutrients didn't give nutrients and are showing deficiencies give nutrients. Happy frog doesn't contain much nkp

Up potting will help but not much or long if you use happy frog I'll start seeds in happy frog because it has mycorrhizae but I'll transplant into ocean forest. Ocean forest will feed about a month
They’re in Happy Frog soil and have been in the gallon pots for a few weeks now. I had used Cultivation Nation “Grow” with a seedling dose 3 waterings ago. Had gotten some very slight yellow tips so the next 2 waterings have been just regular R/O water. I also have Micro and I think Bloom but obv Grow and Micro would be the only ones for now. Probably going to go into the 5 gallon bags here really soon and I was going to use some great white when I do that although I don’t know much about it. Might be too late for that product.
any particular reason for RO water? is tap water unusable? RO strips everything out.

Great White is good for transplants, sprinkle on soil before placing transplant and then cover with more soil. Helps root development.

Running Micro and Bloom together is 5-5-5 NPK, aka Lucas Formula. Good all around nutrient solution. Something to consider since you have the ingredients for it, take a look if curious.

5g pots, ime, is a bit larger than we need for most tent grows. 3g pots, for me, works out just right, doesnt require daily attention, but short enough cycles that issues can be corrected if needed. Typically, I have 48hr cycles in 3g pots when roots is developed.

pots>bags. bags are messy af and solution leaks out of the sides. pots contain everything and force solution to flow through medium. my .02.
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I live in southern new Mexico our tap isn't recommended to drink everyone buys water from water dispensaries. That's what I did until I upped my plant count. Got to be alot just carrying all the 5 gallon jugs back and forth across town. So I got a 6 stage under the sink ro system. I now use tap. Using tap stopped alot of minor deficiencies mainly calmag. Either let it sit for 24 hrs with a bubbler even better, but personally I use a rv water filter ( boogie blue ) and water directly from the water hose.
My tap water is horrible. Never used R/O before but decided to get a little 5 stage that hooks to my sink. Ima look into that Lucas Formula since I have what I can use. I guess I just went with the 5 gallons because I intend to stay in veg a while to do some training and a rig and didn’t want them getting root bound. Maybe that was a bad decision. I’ll find out and can adjust next grow. Going to transplant as soon as I get back from Alaska this weekend. Thanks everyone!!!
I live in southern new Mexico our tap isn't recommended to drink everyone buys water from water dispensaries. That's what I did until I upped my plant count. Got to be alot just carrying all the 5 gallon jugs back and forth across town. So I got a 6 stage under the sink ro system. I now use tap. Using tap stopped alot of minor deficiencies mainly calmag. Either let it sit for 24 hrs with a bubbler even better, but personally I use a rv water filter ( boogie blue ) and water directly from the water hose.
I stopped in Anthony NM to setup a grow for a friend who had his medical card. 2014. First thing I asked was he on well water. Nope he had water from this water company (not Anthony municipal water). I used my Hanna Primo and checked it. Everything but 900 ppm. Cannot be right. Had to go and buy calibration solution in El Paso. Calibrated that sucker and checked again. It didn’t need to be recalibrated. That was real. Took some warm water and sprinkled bread yeast on it. It was still floating a couple hours later.

Had to haul from a kiosk in Anthony. I’ll guarantee you he tried watering with it after I left town. Total trash water.
I stopped in Anthony NM to setup a grow for a friend who had his medical card. 2014. First thing I asked was he on well water. Nope he had water from this water company (not Anthony municipal water). I used my Hanna Primo and checked it. Everything but 900 ppm. Cannot be right. Had to go and buy calibration solution in El Paso. Calibrated that sucker and checked again. It didn’t need to be recalibrated. That was real. Took some warm water and sprinkled bread yeast on it. It was still floating a couple hours later.

Had to haul from a kiosk in Anthony. I’ll guarantee you he tried watering with it after I left town. Total trash water.
Yea I've had people say they've even called the water company around here and I'm lying or my ph pens off had step by step pics to prove what I was doing still pen had to be off they said even the person working at water plant said my pen had to be off ppm was 400. Glad someone out there knows what I'm talking about. It read 800ppms at that time almost 4 years ago.
Yea I've had people say they've even called the water company around here and I'm lying or my ph pens off had step by step pics to prove what I was doing still pen had to be off they said even the person working at water plant said my pen had to be off ppm was 400. Glad someone out there knows what I'm talking about. It read 800ppms at that time almost 4 years ago.
It’s all the damned limestone in the area to start with. My dog drank it and I felt guilty about it.
It’s all the damned limestone in the area to start with. My dog drank it and I felt guilty about it.
No doubt lol mine get ro and I still feel guilty and buy vitamins lol hot water will smell like sulfur sometimes stains dishes stains everything it sits on really lol messed up. But from a rv filter plants can't get enough of that nasty shit. Lol
No doubt lol mine get ro and I still feel guilty and buy vitamins lol hot water will smell like sulfur sometimes stains dishes stains everything it sits on really lol messed up. But from a rv filter plants can't get enough of that nasty shit. Lol
I don’t see how these utilities stay in business except for absolute necessity. The entire time I was there I lived off bottled water or from the kiosk. $.25 a gallon or 5 gallons for $1. Multiple 5 gallon jugs. Those kiosks have 3 dispensing sides and it was usual to have to wait in line.
I don’t see how these utilities stay in business except for absolute necessity. The entire time I was there I lived off bottled water or from the kiosk. $.25 a gallon or 5 gallons for $1. Multiple 5 gallon jugs. Those kiosks have 3 dispensing sides and it was usual to have to wait in line.
Haha still the same imagine carrying 5 or 6 5 gallon jugs every 4 or 5 days lol our cooking water, drinking water, dogs water, plant water. I understand the struggle.