Seemore,, why dont my clones live


Active Member
I watched the Seemore buds videos, and a couple others, and read a couple books,,, and I cant get my clones to root or live,, well, actually, about 1 in 20 lives...
This is killing me here,,, I want to try and do more plants with these females I finally got to grow, and the clones are not surviving..
I have a clone machine (2 actually)
And I also do the rockwool cubes.
I cut the clone, put it into a glass of water as I cut a few more,,, then I go to the clone area, take them out, cut the two nodes off even, and make the little cut a 1/4" below the nodes at an angle,, then I dip them in the rooting gel,, place them in the rockwool,, spray with no wilt,,, (I also trim some of the bigger fan leaves off, but leave some inplace) and place them under a flourescent light,,, I water them avery couple days lightly, so they arent soaked, ,, and after about a week, the leaves start turning yellow, and by the 2nd week, they look pretty much dead..
The same thing happens in the clone machine,,, except while they look dead on top,, there appears to be some roots growing,, sometimes theroots fall off, sometimes they dont..
I Tried different watering intervals with the clone machine, from running fulltime,, to 30 minutes on and 45 minutes off..
I probably threw away 200 clones,, and now Im down to my last bach of about 50,,, and there not looking the best.. and Im ready to toss them...
What am I doing wrong here ?
What should I do ?
Thanks everyone,,


Active Member
I had problems getting my clones to root too, but I went and bought a heating pad at Wal-Mart for $25.00.I put my clones in rockwool in thier own little plastic cup.I place them directly on the heat pad under low watt flor's and got amazing results.Keep those babies warm and you'll be happy,happy.


Well-Known Member
Go to GrowFAQ there are 20 different cloning articles there. You should find something to help you out. Just got done updating this catagory so please check it out and let me know if it helps you.


I hear of people having lots of problems with the rooting GEL. If i was you i would try the powder, and putting them into moist rockwool, before you trust a machine to do it for you i think you need to do it yourself so that you udnerstand how it works and what the conditions need to be.

if your clone machine is spraying water onto your stems the gel will just wash away.

some strains do not clone well.