Hi all,
I know this is a long shot, but does any body have any seeds nocking about I could possibly take off your hands? I'm a new grower so not after many just looking to try different types,
hopefully hear from someone soon
many thanks for reading
happy blazing

It has been ages since I read the do's and don't here but if i remember right asking for beans in a forum or offering beans in a forum is verboten.
As for using bagseed like so many people always say to use for a first grow or three to learn on .... I never agree with that.
First off herb grown to be smoked is not grow to assure viable beans, seeds in pot, both viable and non-viable, are just an unwanted byproduct of lower priced herb. It is not like the grower was going to allow their crop to mature for as long as might be needed for whatever strain(s) they grow to create mature viable beans. That is never a growers priority.
It takes between 14 to 35 days for beans to grow and mature and become viable beans. If it was due to an unintended late pollination or in some strains an early harvest or a combination of later pollination and earlier than normal harvest and you have non-viable beans or barely viable beans that lack vigor.
The above can cause low germ rates to fewer popped beans breaking the surface to very slow growth rates to various different problems and the grower can go nuts tying to figure out what they are doing wrong and the only thing they did do wrong was to pick bagseed.
The next thing is unless you know the guy who grew the herb your bagseed came from and know he is telling you the truth if he tells you what strain it is then you end up like all the rest who almost daily ask people the same questions … I am growing from bagseed, here is a few pics, what strain is it?
They don’t know what they are growing so they do not know its flowering time they do not know if it is a tall plant or a medium plant or a short plant. They do not know if it is a light feeder or a heavy feeder. Being that it is a first or second grow attempt sort of scenario unless the person did more research than the average new grower does they likely will not even know to be able to look at the leaves and nodal spacing and bud-sites and know if it is predominantly indica or predominantly sativa let alone a pure strain, which I think could be totally excluded happening in the case of a sativa.
The point is you are growing the unknown-plant. Other than the very most general most basic things you know nothing that applies and anything you are told is really nothing more than a possibly useful tip.
Then some argue why pay for “high priced” breeder genetics when you can grow “free” seeds instead? Well if someone gave you beans from their bag or you just slipped a few out then I guess the beans would be free. But if they came from a bag you already paid for or you then buy to get the seeds from regardless of you smoking the herb you still paid for those seeds. When you look at how many seeds you may get in a bag, depending on size of course, and how many you use and how many germ and how many turn out to be females and of those how many turn out to be healthy females in the end what you attribute the percentage of cost of the bag to the seeds alone that is what you paid for the number seeds you got whatever number of healthy females from.
If you pick your beans right you can find some very good values for reasonable prices. It will not be the ultimate pot in the world but it will be damn good and you will avoid all the unnecessary and avoidable problems that can go along with bagseed and that includes learning on something that is viable and reliable and doesn’t have you chasing your tail trying to figure out what you did wrong or are doing wrong when it is not you but instead the results of growing a less than 100% viable bean from bagseed.
There are more arguments to be made but I think that gives someone at least more or less the idea.
It really isn’t logical to pick bagseed over breeder genetics when you consider the pros and cons.