

Just recieved seeds from single seed centre in the USA. My greenhouse seeds were not color coded. Do i throw them away?


bud bootlegger
not all greenhouse seeds are color coded.. just the color coded ones are.. sorry.. don't mean to sound like a smart alek, but that is the way it is.. i would never just toss some beans away.. grow them out.. see what you get... unless of course that you ordered the color coded beans, they shouldn't be color coded.. and even if you did, and the ones that you got are not, i would still grow them out.... give them a whirl... i couldn't see just tossing money in the trash like that.. but this is just me of course..
germ them and see what comes out of it.. keep track of which strains are which so that you can compare them to what they are supposed to look like and what not, and at that time you can kinda judge if you got what you had ordered...