
jus me cuz

Active Member
naw i tried 2 times and never got any of my orders. i jus ended up going to a local dealer that had sum good stuff and tried my hand at those seeds. The down fall on doing that is that if the dealer dont know what they are selling than u dont know what u are growing.


Well-Known Member
I ordered the greenhouse indica mix from them a month or so ago. Am currently waiting on some big bang. Just ordered a few days ago.. I was happy with them on the first order.


Well-Known Member
Attitude seed.. has less hassles.......

Nirvana has slightly cheaper prices. For both seed and shipping. Only problem is they don't offer stealth, at least not to the states.

I've ordered from both co's and been happy with both


Active Member
i order from dutch seeds i always get my seeds in about a week and half no problems and there prices are cheap