Seeds not germinating


I'm new to RIU, newbie grower starting 4th grow with bagseed. Not sure of strain, but I know its pure sativa and very good.;-)

Problem is all 10 seeds won't germ. its been 5 days and nothing has happened; other grows showed sprouts in 48-72 hours. I'm using glass jar paper towel method, which has always worked for last 3 grows with a 70-80% germ rate. Seeds are somewhat larger with this strain, and the source product was very "fresh". They ranged from light to dark in color, a few marbled, but they did not look immature at all. These are the only things I can think of that are different from previous seed germs. Location and temperature are the same (cupboard, 70 degree F).

I've got everything else set up and ready to go, and wanted to blog this grow on this forum, so now I'm bummed I can't even get started.:sad: Any ideas anyone?


Well-Known Member
Be sure you didnt drown your seeds.

I just had a scare myself. Soaked some seeds in jar of warm water overnight then put them in a paper towel and inbetween 2 paper plates. I forgot about them and 2 days later, it was dry as a bone. I rushed to soak the towel in water. 2 days later, they cracked.

Your seeds may suprize you. Give it another couple of days with warmer temperatures and in complete darkness.

Good luck.


Thanks. I'll try a place a little warmer for 2-3 more days before i give up. I still have 7 more seeds if these don't pop, but I might have similar problems with those. I don't think I drowned them since they sit between the towel and the inside of the jar, but above the water level. The towel "soaks" the water up from the jar and is always saturated, but the seeds still sit between the towel and the jar in a small air pocket. Its always worked well before......


Thanks. I'll try a place a little warmer for 2-3 more days before i give up. I still have 7 more seeds if these don't pop, but I might have similar problems with those. I don't think I drowned them since they sit between the towel and the inside of the jar, but above the water level. The towel "soaks" the water up from the jar and is always saturated, but the seeds still sit between the towel and the jar in a small air pocket. Its always worked well before......
I was having same issues with G and then bought a seed heat mat and using the paper towel between plates and keeping them Moist, not wet, all germinated.
I am now a Firm Believer in heated mats from now on.
100% germination...


Well-Known Member
Five days is a fairly long time, but as stated before, some take longer than others. I think it is a good sign that NONE of them have popped yet, and not half and half. Hopefully, they are ALL just late poppers. *Fingers crossed for ya*


Many thanks to all who posted - A quick update:

I moved the jar to a location where the temp was closer to 80 F two nights ago. After 24 hours (last night), I checked and - nothing. So I put into the same jar 10 more seeds of the hundreds I had collected from the last SCROG I did (where I made the mistake of identifying a male too late!). This AM, I checked to find a couple of these SCROG seeds had already started to split and poke a little white out - after only 12 hours. I'll check again tonight, where I expect most of the small SCROG seed will have started to germ while the larger (desired) seeds will still show squat. Its too bad, the genetics of the SCROG seeds are likely next to useless (3rd generation seed, and the scrog product was not very potent), while the genetics of the large ungermed seeds would have been much, much better (a check with my microscope shows trich size/density about 5X greater in the product with the large seed, compared to my SCROG attempt product). The only reason I put these SCROG seeds in there was to ensure that there was nothing in the jar, water, or paper towel causing fatal contamination of the seeds. Suspicions confirmed - nothing wrong with the medium, instead for some reason I've likely got infertile seeds. Too young ? Underdeveloped ? (Can't be too old)....maybe a curing process was used that was fatal to the seeds ?...maybe an infertile seed-producing polyploid ? Sorry for the long post, but has anyone else ran into this situation with bagseed ?


....and a final update, after 10 days, no large seeds popped and only 2 of 10 small seeds popped. Based on past results, something's not right.

Last 7 seeds went directly into potting soil Sunday night. None are up after 48 hours, but I'll wait 10 days before giving up on those too. They are in soil in paper cups with drain holes, saran wrapped, under 24 hr light, temp at about 82 F.
I use HydroFarm JumpStart. There is a dome that comes with a 10 piece set. Set that dome right under the lights and 3 days later, presto! I have never had a seed not germinate. Plus once I see the tap root hit the bottom of the JumpStarts, I just transplant into 16 oz cups.


Well, as it turned out only one of the 10 big seeds split the shell, but it never grew or survived. Two of the ten small seeds split the shell, grew a root, and survived a transplant but I do not want to grow those anyway - they were just to test the medium. Many of the hundreds of small seeds from the SCROG were immature at the time of harvest anyway, so a 20% rate is not unlikely.

Of the 7 remaining large seeds directly planted in moistened starter soil in cups (cellophane covered and kept around 80 F), not a single one popped.

I'm convinced that these large seeds were either premature or somehow rendered infertile in the cure. I've never run into this with bagseed....ever.

I'll have to start looking for another source...