seeds keep molding

Hi guys, Im tryin to have a go with bagseeds at first, but every time I try to germinate the seeds just get moldy in their paper towel. I'm usually pretty quick at learning, but I guess you're going to have to treat me like a dumbass on this one, because I dont know what the fuck to do.

Thanks for any help!


Active Member
Well the seeds have to be good. If your using some real schwaggy weed bag seeds they might not sprout.
Also damp towel in a dark cool (not cold) place. Too much moisture, too warm and bad seeds. Anyone of those
might be the reason.


Active Member
hw long u leaving them in the paper towel for?
if its nt cracked after 48-72 hrs then it probably wnt and its a dud, maybe longer in some cases bt in my experience they ususally done by this time.
the paper towel doesnt want to be absolutly sogged, it shudnt drip only drip wen u squeeze it and keep it in a warmish place,
wen ive used this method wen i put the seeds in the towel i then put the towel in a glass jar and seal and open the jar once a day then close again.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, Im tryin to have a go with bagseeds at first, but every time I try to germinate the seeds just get moldy in their paper towel. I'm usually pretty quick at learning, but I guess you're going to have to treat me like a dumbass on this one, because I dont know what the fuck to do.

Thanks for any help!
How long you letting them germ? Like it is posted above, 24-72 hrs should be plenty...As little as 24 can show you a tap root. Surely not enuff time to get them moldy.
Thanks guys! I've been putting them in only reasonably damp paper towels, but maybe i've been leaving them too wet. Its been about 3 days to mold recently , with no seeds popping in the mean time. I have gotten 3 to pop without molding in the past, but they had other problems, the root died, etc. I think that was related to the soil I put it in not being wet enough at first, and then too wet after, lol. I tried just putting some in water once, but they just got water logged and did nothing.

The seeds I've had really arent the best, they're from shwag bags, but I've got nothin else. The only seeds I've ever found in good stuff were soft and white and unviable, and buying good genetics is beyond my means at the moment.

I have been trying to keep the seeds warm though, not in a cool place. Maybe thats the problem, I thought warmth was needed.

So, in conclusion then, less wet on the towels, knock it off with the warmth, keep them cool. Now to find some seeds, lol!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Make sure you wring the paper towel out well.The container you put them in should be clean,and as others have stated, you should begin seeing sprouts within 24-48 hours. However, some seeds can take a few days. Cinnamon is supposed to be a natural fungicide;I sprinkle it on my seedlings and I've never had mold.So try a little cinnamon on the paper towel, it can't hurt.
Hi guys, Im tryin to have a go with bagseeds at first, but every time I try to germinate the seeds just get moldy in their paper towel. I'm usually pretty quick at learning, but I guess you're going to have to treat me like a dumbass on this one, because I dont know what the fuck to do.

Thanks for any help!