Thanks guys! I've been putting them in only reasonably damp paper towels, but maybe i've been leaving them too wet. Its been about 3 days to mold recently , with no seeds popping in the mean time. I have gotten 3 to pop without molding in the past, but they had other problems, the root died, etc. I think that was related to the soil I put it in not being wet enough at first, and then too wet after, lol. I tried just putting some in water once, but they just got water logged and did nothing.
The seeds I've had really arent the best, they're from shwag bags, but I've got nothin else. The only seeds I've ever found in good stuff were soft and white and unviable, and buying good genetics is beyond my means at the moment.
I have been trying to keep the seeds warm though, not in a cool place. Maybe thats the problem, I thought warmth was needed.
So, in conclusion then, less wet on the towels, knock it off with the warmth, keep them cool. Now to find some seeds, lol!