seeds in Canada ?

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There are plenty of overseas banks that have been great and are very safe to order from. Sannies, Seedsman, Herbies, Attitude are but a few. In Canada, Hemp Depot, JOTI, peek seeds are some local ones. Do aa search on here and you will find good reviews, seizures, and some unfortunate experiences. Personally, Seedsman & Sannies works for me. You could try Firestax or NGR also.

gotta pay to play and it is still a roll of the dice with customs.
I love PeakseedsBC. Grew a bunch of his stuff last year. Breeder direct. Cut out the middleman and fancy packaging and high times advertising prices.

Vancouver Seed Bank and Hemp Depot should be considered too if you want lots to chose from and newer strains and flavors.
Has anyone here ever ran any of the Crop King strains? Thinking about maybe trying there blueberry among others. Just never really seen or heard much about Crop King.
Crop king gets mixed reviews on here. Seems really hit or miss.
Ive smoked a few strains of theirs and i wasnt blown away by any of em. is in toronto and is safe and decent prices.
Also used to use the gta seedbank and even tried dr greenthumb yrs ago.