Seeds from the same deal


Active Member
Hey growers, aint been on here for a few years, this is my 4th grow, im growin under a 125w envirolite the soil is wilko's own pottin compost and pearlite, i found 20 seeds in a bag of grass i bought wich sparked me off to do another grow, i have 2 questions my 1st is 2 of the plants apear different from the other 3 as you can see in the pics? and secondly have i used to much pearlite and does it mater? hope you pros can help, thanks jaymz.



The 2 look deformed probably from bad genetics or a bad seed. Your perlite looks fine, you generally want it to be roughly 30% of your soil but since it is usually inert (if you bought it like that), it won't do damage. It just aerates the soil and allows more water to flow.


Active Member
Thanks mate i pulled the 2 duffers out this afternoon and am left with 3 healthy lookers, cheers 4 the advice.