seeds and smell


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Have a few newb questions. Was wanting to know the best place to buy seeds at, and how to control the smell of weed when growing. I only plan to grow 2 - 3 plants at a time, and wanted to know if it would produce a powerful odor. For the seeds, wanting to know what sites are the best: best seeds, best prices, best delivery, best service. Other than that, I feel pretty confident to grow my first batch. Oh, and one more question, in all the vidoes I've seen about pot growing (POT-TV: Mr. Green: I Grow Chronic and Stoned Free Guide to Growing Cannabis) they throw away the male plants. Do the male plants not produce any resin or thc? Can they not be used for hashish?


Well-Known Member
thank you for the quick reply, one more question. would there be any benefit by spraying carbonated water (H2CO3) on the plants a few times a day?

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Well-Known Member
thank you for the quick reply, one more question. would there be any benefit by spraying carbonated water (H2CO3) on the plants a few times a day?
Are you thinking of this because of Co2? No benifit that I'm aware of, but then again I have heard of people doing this just not sure if it really is a benifit. If it's because of Co2, chances are you can get plenty of free Co2 just by opening a window for a couple of hours a day and directing that air in to your grow space.

My grow rooms reside by my hot water heater and furnace, so I get plenty of Co2 from that. But I do open windows just to get fresh air into my place.

Spraying plants with water really should only be done once or twice a day because of pH levels in the water.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i was thinking carbonated water for the co3. i am watching my ph lvl of my water while in growing stage. sitting comfortably at 6.0. can't wait for the first sprout to appear from the soil.