

Active Member
Hey guys,

I have 2 strains that are 15 days old from germination date. They are planted in fox farm light warrior and are about an inch an a half tall. They are under T5 lights and my grow tent has great circulation, temp and humidity controls. I only use filtered water that has been sitting out for a day or 2 and the PH is right were it should be.

My question is, the first set of true leaves have almost lost all their color and are a whitish yellow. I know this would typically mean it needs nitrogen, but they are still little seedlings and are in fox farm light warrior which has more then enough fert in it to keep it going.

This is my second grow and my first was with autoflowering strains so I am new to the photo period strain. Not sure if this is normal or I need to do something else.

Should I just let it go or should i be doing something?


Well-Known Member
from my personal experiences dude i think the fox farm is burning your little girl. the nutes might be too strong for her. i usually dnt start using fertilizer of any kind till my seedlings have roughly around 6sets of leaves.
also most dirts with nutes in em and water activated, everytime you water it your forcing nutes in it too try n maybe cut down to watering a little bit.

this is all thru my personal experience, if any1 else knows what may be wrong please correct me.


Well-Known Member
Hmm....yeah, that's pretty tiny for two weeks old. They should normally be that tall at 2 days, not two weeks. Have you been keeping the soil moist? I see alot of guys afraid of overwatering, and as a result, they never water thoroughly, ending up with really slow-growing plants. When I start seedlings, I mist the soil pretty well, first thing in the morning, every day. I'll do that for the first week or so, til they're growing well, and ready for their first transplant. That's when it's time to let the soil dry out between waterings, but remember, it's just as important to water thoroughly when it's watering time, especially around the edges of the pot. If the edges of the pot are constantly dry, the roots won't fill those areas, and keep the root ball restricted, sorta of like they are in a smaller pot than they actually are.

That's just one possibility. :)


Active Member
yeah they are very small for 2 weeks old. i am wondering if I should try and take them out and plant them in reg soil or just let it go....I think flushing would just make it worse since it would release more nutes.


Well-Known Member
yeah they are very small for 2 weeks old. i am wondering if I should try and take them out and plant them in reg soil or just let it go....I think flushing would just make it worse since it would release more nutes.

They are already in a good soil, so there's no need to transplant. Also, that soil doesn't have any time released nutes, so the flushing theory, is void. What is the PH of that filtered water?


Active Member
Try PH'ing you're water to between 6.5 and 6.8, It needs higher PH in soil than Hydro, I like to keep my soils at 6.8-6.9 and have no problems.


Active Member
i just tested my water again before watering and it was 6.7. I PHed the runoff as well and it was 6.7 as well.


Active Member
okay, its 2 days later and they havent grown at all and all the leaves are starting to get the color drained from them. any suggestions?

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
Start over in seedling soil?

I don't know why more people don't use plain seedling soil for their babies. It's cheap and you only need a half a dixie cup or so. Your plants will love a week or two in that to get out of diapers.

Baby no likie steak and potato.


Active Member
put them in a plastic cup with new soil. if they get better, great. if not, throw out the cup. at least then you'll know you did all you can