Seedlings, When to Feed Nutrients


Well-Known Member
From Royal Queen Seeds:
Cannabis seedlings get all their nutrients from their seed, and absorb water via their leaves as their root system develops (that’s why it’s important to keep them in a warm, humid environment). You won’t need to start feeding your seedlings until they’re about 3–4 weeks old, at which point they’ll have developed 3–4 true leaves, thus entering the vegetative growth phase.

I'm using Light Warrior and foxfarm recommends feeding once seeds have germinated. When do you begin adding nutrients?

Another question: How long can a seedling go without water - 6 hours, 12 hours?
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the first two leaves on weed are called cotyledon leaves, and they hold all the nutrients that were stored in the seed before it sprouted. they feed the plant until it can get a network of roots started. when you see them start to fade, it's time to start feeding for real. you can feed lightly before that, but too much will both be a waste, and potentially burn the tender new roots, so go light at first, working it up in steps, usually i start at 1/4 strength what i feed bigger plants in veg, working them up to full strength by the time they have 4 or 5 sets of leaves
Another question: How long can a seedling go without water - 6 hours, 12 hours?

depends on how fast it's growing and how large the pot is. if you're growing in soil, the general wisdom is when the pot gets almost too dry, water it till you get a slight amount of run off, then wait for it to dry out again...and most people will water twice, then feed once, so you may only use nutes once a week or so
From Royal Queen Seeds:
Cannabis seedlings get all their nutrients from their seed, and absorb water via their leaves as their root system develops (that’s why it’s important to keep them in a warm, humid environment). You won’t need to start feeding your seedlings until they’re about 3–4 weeks old, at which point they’ll have developed 3–4 true leaves, thus entering the vegetative growth phase.

I'm using Light Warrior and foxfarm recommends feeding once seeds have germinated. When do you begin adding nutrients?

Another question: How long can a seedling go without water - 6 hours, 12 hours?
5- fingers leaves, let her have it, auto's too.
After the first couple sets of leaves you can begin feeding them nutes I suggest you check your ph each time you water. As far as dosage really depends on your nutes which should have a detailed feeding chart for guidance
After the first couple sets of leaves you can begin feeding them nutes I suggest you check your ph each time you water. As far as dosage really depends on your nutes which should have a detailed feeding chart for guidance
I've made everything from compost(CPR) too topsoil. The complete soil mix (mineral plant mix) I can water every day with zero problems ( silica sand)
But you go scientist