New Member
Currently running a sterile rdwc setup using h2o2. Total volume is 240L. A couple nights ago my chiller packed it in and temps have been rising to 26C. Now the problem is my new chiller won’t be for a few days and with the increased temperature I’ve noticed the ph climbing, I adjusted with some oxalic acid as it’s what I had to hand (waiting on the phosphoric acid in the post as well) but I checked the plants health again in the morning and it’s majorly declined. Currently doing a water change right now but is there any chance of them surviving this ordeal??? Thanks any help is appreciated as this is my first time with hydro!
The plants have skimpy shrivelled stems, leaves started curling and browning in random spots?? First imagine is from yesterday to show comparison.

The plants have skimpy shrivelled stems, leaves started curling and browning in random spots?? First imagine is from yesterday to show comparison.