Seedlings planted late, its june18,an they are at bout 6-8 inches...


Active Member
So i got six seedlings in one lil container. They range from 6''-8''. I plan on transplanting on payday (im broke) that is on the LONGEST DAY OF THE YEAR, June,21. My hope is they stop veg by july,20 , Then I would hope to harvest by Sep,18 , that gives them two months to flower. I plan on puting them inside to force longer dark periods each day from july 20th on. Then i would put them back outside for the light period. Is this a resonable time frame for veg an flowering? how big will the yeild be (live in north east USA) saying i loose three from being male. Any input or advice would be GREAT! Im a newbie so im gonna need all the help i can get. THANKS