Seedlings leaves turning yellow and brown. Help!


Hey,whats up? Looking for some advice here. I have been growing for about two years now using the same strains in a perpetual cabinet scrog. I got bored and wanted some new flavors so I ordered seeds recently. So, although I have been growing for a while now, this is only the second time I have ever sprouted seeds.
The first time I germinated seeds I used soil and then transplanted into hempy cups (mix is 75% perlite and 25% vermiculite), and had no problems. This time I decided to try Rockwool cubes because I thought it would be easier to move into hempys. I sprouted three seeds in cubes less than a week ago and they all germinated well and looked good, initially. The strains are DNA Lemon OG, Reserva Privada Purple OG #18, and Female Seeds C99.
I waited until the roots were coming out the cubes and then put them in the hempy cups. I think this is where I might have messed up, because I reused some perlite and vermiculite mix from previous plants, mixed in with fresh stuff. The next morning I awoke to find the seedlings leaves were turning yellow and brown. I dug the cubes out of the cups, flushed them with plain water, and replanted them using all fresh perlite and vermiculite.
I let them sit for the past two days and did nothing with them, then watered them today. It seems like they were shocked for a day or so, but today I am seeing some signs of new growth, but the leaves are still yellow and I see some yellowing on the new little leaves in the middle on the Lemon OG, which looks the worst out of the three. The c99 is doing the best, Purple OG, has some yellowing, and Lemon OG has yellow that turned to brown and looks like shit.
I have at no point fed them anything but plain water that has sat out for several days. What do you think the problem may be and what can I do about it? The temperature in my veg room they are in is 77 degrees and there is plenty of airflow. I have three Bonsai Moms of my old strains in there (Kushberry,Super Lemon Haze, and Blue Cheese) and about 11 rooted clones for my next run and they are all doing great, so I don’t think it is the environment. I have two 25 watt daylight CFLs positioned about 4 to 5 inches above the seedlings. I can put my hand under them and there is no discernible heat being admitted until I get less than an inch from the bulbs. I’ve done a ton of reading here, and the only things I can think of is it is a problem with the water (should I switch to purified water?), or it is because I reused some perlite and vermiculite at first, and it may have absorbed some nutes. Any suggestions? Thanks for reading, and any help you might be able to offer.


The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
never reuse the medium unless you flush and clean the shit out of it, and thats a pain in the ass, just buy new perlite or whatever next time

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
maybe transplant it into new perlite/vec mix or whatever, and feed it a super duper small amount of nutes, and then plain water after


Thanks, I suspected that reusing the mix might be the problem, so I already repotted with all fresh stuff and flushed them as soon as I noticed the yellowing. I’m so used to reusing the mix for my clones that it never occurred to me that it could cause problems for seedlings. Dumb mistake on my part. I just wish I could be sure that is the issue and it isn’t going to get any worse now, but I have little experience with seedlings. I
am unsure if I should give them nutes yet though, everything I have read has said to wait fora couple of weeks before giving them anything but plain water?


also thats way to much perlite IMO anyways, perlite isnt really ideal to start marijuana seedlings in i dont think anyways, and you should use new perlite if your going to use it at all, it sounds like the ph will be way off with that much perlite, try usin some dirt mixed in there bro


Thanks but I am not growing in soil; these are hempy buckets which is passive hydro. I have completed 8-10 grows (haven’t been counting) over the past couple of years with great results using this method. If you search for hempy buckets on here you will find many successful grows using the same method.
The seedlings weren’t started in the perlite they were started in rockwool cubes and then the cube was place in the cups and covered with the perlite and vermiculite (or some people just use straight perlite) after roots came out of the cubes. It’s just like hydro, except you cover the cubes with hydroton instead of perlite in straight up hydro.

Maybe you have a point though. I didn’t have any problems like this when I germinated in soil instead of rockwool last time.

Maybe I am just looking at them too much, put I kind of think the yellowing might be getting a bit worse and I am not sure what to do at this point. Try to flush again? Dig them out and repot them again? Just leave them alone? Give nutes? This is frustrating. I wish I were more patient, but I guess this is how you learn to be.


sorry i didnt notice, i thought that cup was full of perlite, what im sayign though is if any roots are touching pure perlite like that they will suffer, im not sure which way it goes but perlite is way way to high or low of a ph to be healthy for mj, id have to look up if they are acidic or alkaline but either way i know they arent the right ph, so if any of the roots are in pure perlite u may want to consider geting them out of there ASAP cus i would be money thats the problem


[FONT=&amp]I’m confused. You are saying that you think I should dig the rockwool cubes out of the perlite and vermiculite mix and repot the cubes into soil instead? I have never heard of using rockwool cubes with soil before. Also, like I said, I’ve used the perlite and vermiculite soilless mixture for many grows now and have had no problems until this, I get nice big white healthy root growth in it no problems. Perhaps you should read up on the hempy method, the second post down in this thread is a picture tutorial that shows precisely how I grow, and instructs to place the rooted rockwool cube directly into the perlite and vermiculite mixture, just as I have done,


I’m confused. You are saying that you think I should dig the rockwool cubes out ofthe perlite and vermiculite mix and repot the cubes into soil instead? I have never heard of using rockwool cubes with soil before. Also, like I said, I’veu sed the perlite and vermiculite soilless mixture for many grows now and have had no problems until this, I get nice big white healthy root growth in it no problems. Perhaps you should read up on the hempy method, I tried a bunch of times to post a link to a thread on the ICM Mag site that shows precisely how I grow, and instructs to place the rooted rockwool cube directly into the perlite and vermiculite mixture, just as I have done, but every time I try and post it I get a message says that my post will have to be approved by a moderator? So, I’m not trying to be a smart ass, but just google hempy buckets.


Here’s what they look like this morning. Any opinions? Are they looking better, or getting worse? I’m not even worried about the C99, it looks fine and I see new growth that happened overnight. It’s just the two OG’s that I am concerned about now. It looks to me like the purple got a little yellower, and I don’t see as much new growth in the two OG’s as in the C99.That might have something to do with the strains and the way they grow though. Is there anyone out there that has experience starting seeds for hempy buckets that can give me any advice?



Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
I always use fresh Perlite,, and 100% Perlite and Roots are not a problem. Your perlite to verm mix is fine, I do my Sprouts and Clones in the same mix.. What I did not see is any mention of PH and PPM's??

I see your using plain water that sat out for several days,, So what's the PPM of that water? is it 10 or is it 420? For all we know, you could simply be burning them up with high PPM tap water.

I use RO, so I start with 0 and start a low PPM feed for plants of this size,, and increase as the roots begin to grow.

Also, do you know the PH of your water. I am sure you already know, that if the PH is off, then your not going to get very far.

Whenever I need to diagnose a plant issue, I start with the Basics, PH and PPM's,, Cant really go any further without knowing those first.

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
sorry i didnt notice, i thought that cup was full of perlite, what im sayign though is if any roots are touching pure perlite like that they will suffer, im not sure which way it goes but perlite is way way to high or low of a ph to be healthy for mj, id have to look up if they are acidic or alkaline but either way i know they arent the right ph, so if any of the roots are in pure perlite u may want to consider geting them out of there ASAP cus i would be money thats the problem
TOTALLY INCORRECT INFORMATION.... I run 100% Perlite Hempy's with great success. I have (22) 2 Liter Hempy's going now that are doing great,, All in 100% Perlite.


I am ashamed to admit that I do not know the PH of my water, I have not been testing it since I began growing, because when I first read about Hempy Buckets, Hempy himself said that it wasn’t an issue in Hempy Buckets and didn’t matter, and I have not had any issues with the other strains I have been growing very successfully in hempy buckets the past few years using the same water. I do have a kit here for PH testing for aquariums, and I can test my water with it.
Thank you so much for the help!


Mr. Shakelford, Moebius suggested that I repost this problem in his World Of Hempy thread so that you guys could help out, so I have done so. Thanks for your help, I am going to test the PH of my water right now.