Seedlings in EBB and Flow


Active Member
is an ebb and flow system too much water for seedlings?

I want to use this system vs a drip system but i am not sure if flooding the seedlings is ok or not. They would be in rock wool.


Well-Known Member
You can do it, you just have to be careful you dont overwater while they are young.
The great thing about Rockwool is that it retains water and provides oxygen to the new roots when rockwoll is wartered correctly.

The thing is, most people over water rockwool to the point where the roots cant get any air and thats not good. Happens all the time because rockwool is like a hover, it sucks up water and retains it. I like to drip on one corner of the cube with the nutrient syringe I have for the first week or so. Give them like 10mil.

When they have roots in the rockwool then to water I touch the bottom of the cube to the res for a second. This gives them enough water for two days.

Then once the roots are poking out the bottom then you can place them in a bed of hydroton and water just up to the bottom of the rockwool cube. Again just a little bit. You want the roots following the water into the hydroton.

So its tricky when they are small I put them in small pots with hydroton on the bottom then into the tray.

Hope that helps


Active Member
Ya thanks. I just put some n rickwool and can already see my drip system overwatered them. My pump is on a timer so I don't know how to give them any less water and still be automated


Well-Known Member
Yea, I know what you mean.

OK there is a couple things you can do. First take a look at your overflow. See if a short length of the black 1/2 hose fits into the top and is snug.

If so, its like mine and you can cut the fitting down so the water doesnt go so high.
Then later when you want the water higher just put a piece of tubing in there to raise the water level.

The second thing is you can raise the cube. get small pots with holes on the bottom and put a small amount of hydroton in there, set the cube on that. This is how I did it and it seems to work.

This cube is probaly larger then what you are using but see how just the bottom is wet? It also helps when transplanting

Third is you can get a didital timer and run it for as little as one minute. That may help you.

Best thing to do is to remove the plants and get some dry rockwool in there and test different things. You can do it.
