Seedling Toppling Over


New Member
Hey, all. New member...first post...and I have a problem child. When transplanting one of my sour diesels from the tiny seedling trays into a pot, the root/soil plug fell apart in my hands. When I dropped the plant into the pre-made hole, the tiny root sort of went in horizontally instead of vertically. I figured it was no big deal, and that it would right itself and begin to grow downwards. Now, after two weeks, it's growing MUCH more slowly than its roommates, and when I pour water into the pot it just lays over onto its side. I have to keep pushing soil up against the stem to brace it and make it stand up straight. The plant is healthy...just growth stunted. I worry that later, when the plant is bigger, it will be very unstable. Can I just gently pull it up and re-transplant it with the roots pointed straight down, as I should have done in the first place?...or am I about to kill this sucker while trying to save it.


Well-Known Member
If you add soil to the pot to raise the height as much as you can that should help. I have also used a small piece of wire which I bent into a loop around the stem and then pushed into the soil for support. I would not transplant it again untill it can stand on it's own. Good luck.


I never tie anything around stems , the link Yoda provided is a really good way, or you can stack small stones or pebbles at the base of the stem , I use hydroleca stones they re perfect for this , All said and done though with good airflow around your seedlings using a small fan , you should not have these issues....Good luck.....