Seedling Showing Leaf Curl, Environment or Toxicity?


Hoping someone can provide some wisdom, plant is showing some pretty strong signs of leaf curl and tacoing.

This seedling is exactly 2 weeks from breaking through the soil, direct sown into a no till pot on it's 2nd run. Hollowed out about a solo cup worth in the center and filled it with BAS light. Rest of the pot is BAS 3.0, chopped and dropped and top dressed around it during sowing. VPD is steady 1.0 day and night, temperature is 82 degrees day, and 74 degrees night. 18/6 cycle. PPFD at 300.

I've been chasing environmental variables for the past few days trying to figure out what's wrong but this is my standard setup which should be ideal. Wondering if this could be some form of nitrogen toxicity? Or should I continue trying to adjust the environment?

This is my first time direct sowing, wondering if I should have started in a small cup. Also, at this point only two weeks in, would you guys replant and start over? Or if I can get it out of this funk it should grow fine? Worried the stress might stunt it.


Wind or heat stress. No big deal. The plant looks good other than the leaves curling. How hot is it in there. Fan blowing directly at it? Hot light too close ?
I moved the fan up, just dropped the light level from 300 PPFD to 225 and temp from 82 to 78. Hopefully will see some improvement in the next few days.
Took some more corrective action today. So I've reduced the light to 250 PPFD, adjusted the temperature to 76 day and 68 night. Dropped VPD down to .8, and reduced my circulation fan speed. Idea being just taking my foot off the pedal for transpiration to let the plant recover, will keep an eye on it the next few days and post an update.