Seedling Question, NO emergency - any advice is appreciated

3 cheese ladies and 4 bagseeds have sprouted up nice and are all atleast 3 inches high doing well under some 150w CFL's for 24 hours a day.(is that too much light for 7 day old sedlings?) One, however has spouted quited tall and as its leaves grow bigger it seems to be a bit much for its tiny stem....My question is should i stake it or let it try and strengthen itself on its own? I have the lighting on the left side now to let it reach the opposite direction.... When should I intervene if i don't see improvement? here are some pics so u can see, thanks for any advice.

DUBS Doobious

Active Member
I think this whole 24 hour lighting thing is ridiculous. I don't see any upside to using it.
Plants need a dark period in order to function. Its basic Botany. At night they use the energy that they captured during they day-time photoperiod to perform different functions like thickening it's stem for example.
Slowly and I mean SLOWLY ween them off of 24/0
stop at 18/6 until flowering.
If you jump photo-period down to 18/6 right away it will stretch.

happy growing
thanks yeah i got em on 18/6 now they are doin good i've had troubles with a few things so far but other than that good, thanks for advice will post more pics soon their growin fast now under this 400w MH

new guy25

Well-Known Member
You can give them 24hrs of light but I do 18/6 I like to give them a break plus the lights been off you can give a bit extra foliar feed my girls love it when in veg.

Tie your tall seedling loosely! to a stake she'l soon hold her own keep fans on as per.

only use one large hps light can't help you on last one. GOOD LUCK growing