seedling problems

Hi I am a fairly new cannabis grower. I know how to diagnose more common issues, but am getting worried after seeing no response from some of my plants. Their growth seems to be slower than the rest that are just a few days ahead. All have a slight yellowing in new growth that seems to be going away in the ones farther along. They may have been overwatered (by rain) so I added more soil in the cups and used a pencil to poke some air holes to allow for faster drying of the soil.
I am growing smurfberry auto seeds I purchased off SR2
They are about 1.5 to two weeks old.
I am using miracle grow seed starting potting soil and am using no nutrients at this stage
Theyre outside, I live on an island. It gets pretty damn hot during the day. Can't really do anything but keep them out of direct sun in the hottest parts of the day.



Well-Known Member
Wouldn't suggest poking holes in the soil like that. It will hurt more than help. They might be slightly over watered. Let them dry out and see if it helps. Small plants need a lot of tlc and dry soil to help expand the roots. You shouldn't worry though, small plants have problems all the time. Once their roots get more established, the harder it will be to hurt them. ..

Just noticed the MG soil. There's a problem right there. I wish someone told me when i first started growing to NEVER use soil and always use a soiless mix like promix. Soil based mediums are hard to tell when they are dry, do to the heavy material its made out of. Soiless mixes are almost weightless without water. If you continue to grow in pots my suggestion would be to kick that soil to the curb and try to pick up a soiless mix.
Wouldn't suggest poking holes in the soil like that. It will hurt more than help. They might be slightly over watered. Let them dry out and see if it helps. Small plants need a lot of tlc and dry soil to help expand the roots. You shouldn't worry though, small plants have problems all the time. Once their roots get more established, the harder it will be to hurt them. ..

Just noticed the MG soil. There's a problem right there. I wish someone told me when i first started growing to NEVER use soil and always use a soiless mix like promix. Soil based mediums are hard to tell when they are dry, do to the heavy material its made out of. Soiless mixes are almost weightless without water. If you continue to grow in pots my suggestion would be to kick that soil to the curb and try to pick up a soiless mix.
Yeah I've been noticing that more and more especially with starting outdoor grows here with the sporadic rain we get. I'm actually going to try something I've seen done rather successfully a few times before and grow in a burlap sack in treetops (like I said I'm on an islandso space and neighbors are worrying wish I could just pop em in the ground but it's all coral) so a lighter medium would be ideal. Would you reccomend switching when I transplant or will that stress them too badly?


Well-Known Member
put holes in the bottom of the cups. hard pressed to overwater good well draining soil as long as the container has a way for water to escape.


Well-Known Member
and your soil is fine despite what above poster says. soiless mix is a pain in the ass and has a whole other set of potential issues. just give em some time....some seedlings just grow slower than others...otherwise they look good,
Awesome I appreciate the help man. I guess ive never noticed that before, ive only got two successful grows in though so like I said im pretty new at this still.
Those are some nice plants! The only problem I can forsee with switching to soilless substrate is I may not be able to get to my plants sometimes (have to boat to where they will be growing) I'm afraid if I don't use a medium with a good retention that I'll show up one night to check on them and they'll be fucked. I've read that you can control nutrients etc. More easily going soilless, but I've never done it so I'm a little hesitant. The potting soil im using has worm casting, pete moss, and perlite mixed with the soil .I was thinking of making my own for the bulk when I transplant so i'm open to suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Those are some nice plants! The only problem I can forsee with switching to soilless substrate is I may not be able to get to my plants sometimes (have to boat to where they will be growing) I'm afraid if I don't use a medium with a good retention that I'll show up one night to check on them and they'll be fucked. I've read that you can control nutrients etc. More easily going soilless, but I've never done it so I'm a little hesitant. The potting soil im using has worm casting, pete moss, and perlite mixed with the soil .I was thinking of making my own for the bulk when I transplant so i'm open to suggestions.
Yea, that medium will work great. It's just the MG stuff tends to be to strong for most cannabis plants especially seedlings. You plan to keep the grow outside right? I wasn't sure at first that's why i was adamant about the soiless. Was thinking you were going to bring them inside. Soil outside is great. The sun will be able to dry it out fast enough to prevent root rot. So, yea don't worry about the soiless. Growing is a learning process and you will find what works best for you.. Good luck and keep us posted. Happy growing :leaf:
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Yeah Ive made my own medium before and I thought I'd try the mg stuff out, ill be sticking to my own next time. They'll be outside though, I'm going to put them in burlap sacks in the tops of mangroves so it'll definitely be an interesting grow. I think in another day I should be able to make a grow log so i'll switch to that once I can. Thanks everyone for the advice!
Btw two have gotten worse but mother nature took a piss on us last night and they may have gotten balls wet so hopefully thats it. Otherwise they've seemed to be on the recoop everythings greening nicely.