Seedling Problem, Please help


Active Member

I am a new grower. This seedling has been grown from seed for 21 days now. Brown patchs and dots started appearing on first set of full leaves at 20th day. Can anyone please tell me whats the problem here and what's the remedy?

Grow info:
-temperature maintained @ 70F - 78F
-humidity @ 60% - 65%
-water with tap water once a day
-medium is Miracle Gro premium potting soil
-light is 5X 42W 6400K compact fluroscent bulb at 2ft above foliage

any help is apreciated, thanks!



Well-Known Member
miracle grow contains nutes & is probably burning those little plants. repot into a different soil without nutes & back off on the water.

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
miracle grow contains nutes & is probably burning those little plants. repot into a different soil without nutes & back off on the water.

Good Luck.
Dont listen to this guy! He must just like to try and rack up posts by throwing complete bullshit out there
It's not nute burn!
I need to know your PH. It's probably that.


Active Member
Nutrients introduced too quickly early on can easily burn plants.

Also, watering once a day without regards to pot size, relative root mass, humidity and general necessity can stress plants out with different manifestations, plant to plant.

It could be nute burn, it could be pH. More info please :)


Active Member
thanks for inputs, i will get a ph meter today for ph value.
More info: The symptom appear on 3 out of 9 plants. And it seems like it not spreading to newer leaves, only the leaves that show initial browning are turning more brown and yellow. I will post more picture tonight.


Well-Known Member
Dont listen to this guy! He must just like to try and rack up posts by throwing complete bullshit out there
It's not nute burn!
I need to know your PH. It's probably that.

i see.... So watering a little seedling everyday in a medium that is rich in nutrients helps. This can easily stress & burn a young plant! You've totally disregarded this info the guy provided & abused me for trying to help. Now thats bullshit.


Active Member
Hi, these are the photos taken today. I could not get a ph meter today from Home depot. I shall try the local grower supply tmr.

-The situation is getting worse, look at the photos
-I don't think I over-watered cos I keep the soil at moist level on the moisture meter
-These seedlings are Skunk #1.
-The last photo is my healthiest plant, just for reference.
-Should I flush the soil with tap water? if so, how often?



Active Member
Dude if he used miracle grow potting soil the p.h. is fine! The P.H. of the tap water could be your culprit and too much of it.(I've got horrible hard water where I live) Your soil looks way saturated. Try repotting them in something with no fert additives. "No feeds for up to three months on the bag" But miracle grow does have a guaranteed P.H. analysis on the bag itself. They just look way to wet. And good god man go spend a few quarters on some good filtered water from the store! Do you drink your tap water? P.H. meters.....Bahhhhh! F'n Nerd! Save it for the dro. It would have to be a drastic P.H. problem. Tell me if the yellowing leaves get crispy! Then we'll have a definite answer. I think your getting root rot and it's begining to show. I bet if you pull one of your plants from the cup they are not as white and fuzzy as they should be.(I use mircorhizzal and hizzae benificial bacteria that help correct minor nute problems and create a more root freindly environment that helps in the availability and absorbtion of nutes) I want them to be o.k. so trans plant them into some thing with less water saturation.Good luck my freind. All you need is an attentive eye and alot of practice. And all will be well. It doesn't look like burn. Chemical burn is more uniform and is usually seen around the edeges and veins of the leaves. Try a transplant and a dose of Superthrive(follow the directions on the bottle) NO FERTS! Then let them rest! I only micro grow in closets to breed. Then I test them all out in my backyard big top! I can't wish you enough luck on your venture! Let us know if your problem gets solved.



Active Member
Hey wait a minute. How big of a space are those in? And how much air circulation is there? That box looks a little tight there. I took another look and I can see the seems. You might need some more air running through there as well.


Active Member
here are some photos taken today.
-the problem leaves are not crispy, but it's dry to touch
-the soil looked saturated cos i just watered before taking the photos
-although i use tap water, i filter it with Brita cartridge before watering
-kill one sickly seedling
-transplant another seedling to Miracle Gro seed starting mix. I notice this mix doesn't drain very well.
-i am afraid to transplant the others to the new soil as I ain't very good at it. I damaged some roots in the process, since the roots are everywhere in the soil.



Well-Known Member
Dude if he used miracle grow potting soil the p.h. is fine! The P.H. of the tap water could be your culprit and too much of it.(I've got horrible hard water where I live) Your soil looks way saturated. Try repotting them in something with no fert additives. "No feeds for up to three months on the bag" But miracle grow does have a guaranteed P.H. analysis on the bag itself. They just look way to wet. And good god man go spend a few quarters on some good filtered water from the store! Do you drink your tap water? P.H. meters.....Bahhhhh! F'n Nerd! Save it for the dro. It would have to be a drastic P.H. problem. Tell me if the yellowing leaves get crispy! Then we'll have a definite answer. I think your getting root rot and it's begining to show. I bet if you pull one of your plants from the cup they are not as white and fuzzy as they should be.(I use mircorhizzal and hizzae benificial bacteria that help correct minor nute problems and create a more root freindly environment that helps in the availability and absorbtion of nutes) I want them to be o.k. so trans plant them into some thing with less water saturation.Good luck my freind. All you need is an attentive eye and alot of practice. And all will be well. It doesn't look like burn. Chemical burn is more uniform and is usually seen around the edeges and veins of the leaves. Try a transplant and a dose of Superthrive(follow the directions on the bottle) NO FERTS! Then let them rest! I only micro grow in closets to breed. Then I test them all out in my backyard big top! I can't wish you enough luck on your venture! Let us know if your problem gets solved.
Wow, I have never seen such bad advice in my life.
PH is one of the biggest problems new ggrowers face.
PH can cause all kinds of symptoms from yellowing to drooping.
Do you know what else helps in the absorption of nutes? Yep u guessed it, PH...
Miracle grow guarantees PH huh, so if u water with 8.0 ph it will be fine because it's miracle grow. STFU!

PH testers can be purchased for $5-10 at any pet shop. Just get the litmus paper if ur growing in soil. Don't listen to this moron who says PH doesn't matter, because it is very important to healthy plant growth


Well-Known Member
U may want to chill on the watering tho.
The dirt should get completely dry to your first knuckle before u water.
Throw that moisture meter out for a little whille and go off the old knuckle method.

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
wow there's mad bs in this thread my friend.

1. Miraclegrow is NOT burning your plants..
2. After you filter through the brita let the water sit out uncovered for about 12 hours before you water with it
3. Move your lights closer.. if you're using CFLs they can just about touch those plants dude. 2 ft is a waste
4. No one mentioned that some browning of the first set of leaves is SUPER fucking common and that on the whole your plants look healthy. There'll be more instances of browning as they get older.. It's pretty natural.
5. Also, Im going to have to slightly disagree with Custom Hydro.. I say you should let the surface dry before you actually water but that you should still spritz the babes with the brita filtered water daily


Active Member
I have test the ph of the water I use, here are the results.
tap water used for watering until 24th day: ph 7.6+
Brita filtered water used from 25th day onward: ph 6.0
Drainage from bottom of soil: ph 7.0

The problem is spreading now to newer leaves. And 5 out of 8 plants are affected What should I do now?



Well-Known Member
that soil looks swamped... im not a pro grower but i water my plants about 1s every other day and there growing very ver fast and healthy just cuz the top soil is dry doesnt mean they need water and try to keep them on a regular watering schedual... im growin perfect plants and i dont check PH or anything i just let them learn to adapt and dont treat my plants like pussies... lol there my babies and im growing them ford touch lmao


Active Member
lower your p.h ! plant in new soil not miracle mess thats junk soil get a watering meter water when its almost dry. your cfls can be as close as 4 inchs away from your plants increase circulation to area and good luck