Seedling leaves curling


Well-Known Member
Hey guys Im just wondering if anyone knows why the first circulared leaves are curling on my little seedlings so much. They-re all about 1 - 2 days old. Temps are around 80 - 85f and im using a 130w CFL 6400K 8000 lumens with a little fan blowing around them and a vent at the top of the box. I germinated them and started them in jiffys.

Could it be over watering or heat stress? The seedlings are probably about 2.5 inches away from the light, maybe they're to close, Im going to move te light up a bit and see what happens. Is that to close for a 130w cfl, it does get quite warm.

Im practicing my starting skills on these hermie seeds I have before i start my brought seeds for next season outdoors. (Southern hemisphere) Keep in mind that yes i have looked through threads on this topic all over google and Im not convinced on what they saay about the leaves haha

Thanks guys :) Pictures....

Worst looking one..... it looks like its curled under itself

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my opinion if they are all under same conditions doing different things maybe its just the seeds genetics. The one wilting looks like its stressed maybe to hot or to dry?:leaf: Buds advice I have to agree with give them some time they will come to.
Thanks for the reply happy and buds, I actually did move them back a little and aired the room out and gave them a drink and transplanted them and they're all standing up fine now. I reckon it was to warm for them. The one with the super curled leaves still has curled leaves for some reason and the rest are fine so maybe its just genetics or a mutant or something