Seedling leaves curling up, need me some pro tips!


New Member
This little lady is 13 days old.

Shes an Afghan Kush Ryder.
Currently under a 125w 6400K cfl about 4-5 inches away.
2 Osscilating fans running (very gently).
Room temp: 22-30C
Room humidity: 40-50%
Medium: Canna terra pro+
Watering:2-3 days/misting every so often.
As im pretty new to growing id just like to know if this is anything to get concerned about or not. Either way id love to know whats causing this. Not the best picture to illustrate the curl but as you can see on the bottom left leaf it is definitely present.

Many Regards!


Active Member
curling up is indicative of the plant reaching toward the light...
normally I would lower my light a tad or simply wait till the plant reaches it's way into a more comfortable height...
looks healthy though....


New Member
You are the man! Ill do just that. You know how it is, i get scared for the kids.

thanks alot dude massively appreciated


Active Member
be careful though...too close and you burn them...
I use my lights stay a decent distance away.

CFL are cooler and can be put closer.
but too close and you burn them.

reaching isnt necessarily a bad thing.... if your CLFs are only 5" away... consider moving them closer...
but also consider leaving them be and letting the plant grow to where it wants to be..

I actually bring my outdoor plants in every night and put them under one cfl..just for some extra light...
mine sit almost right next to the bulb...but I dont pay as much care/attention to my outdoor plants as I do my indoor ones....


New Member
Yeah i think ive got about a week until feeding has to start. Gonna use Canna Tera throught i think. Veg and flowering respectively. Ill take another photo of her tomorrow, ive moved her closer to the light shes about 3" away. Heat is at a steady 27c. also, since day 1 ive kept an album and shall be keeping such a thing updated if you guys wanna help me out on this youre more than welcome! Cheers for the response