seedling help and questions

hello all. just moved my first ever seedling into a paper cup after the paper towel/dresser method of germination. left it in the dresser for a week and almost forgot about him/her. has a really nice root system developing as the tail was about 2 inches or more long. cut to the chase, i transplanted. it seems to be doing well since i watered it in, but the stem is white/clear looking and seems to be off to a slow start. it is only been in the cup for 2 days, but idk. i do not want to use lighting as i might need to get things "straightened" up in a hurry as i live in an apartment. any help would be appreciated. im using seed starting soil btw.

thanks in advance. :)
ill see if i can get a 24 for now maybe. the room it is in is about 80 degrees in the day and 70 at night is that okay??