Seedling deficiency

These seedlings are about 16 days old they have been under 20/4 light they are autoflowers been growing slow I’ve been watering when they dry all the way out and not super heavy noticed some drooping slow growth and yellowing any ideas guys thanks



Well-Known Member
I think the light warrior is just seed starter mix with no nutrients, and big bloom has no nitrogen. It's time to start feeding your "grow" formula. If you don't have a TDS meter, start with 1/4 dose on the bottle. They are probably just underfed. Good luck!
I think the light warrior is just seed starter mix with no nutrients, and big bloom has no nitrogen. It's time to start feeding your "grow" formula. If you don't have a TDS meter, start with 1/4 dose on the bottle. They are probably just underfed. Good luck!
I was thinking nitrogen deficiency but wasn’t sure