Seedling Dead?! Please Help


it's been 2-3 days and i was worried that my seedling was messed up because I over watered or something, but when I was looking for the seeds. one of the seeds shell came off really easy. but the roots are getting very long. is it dead? should I germ more seeds to replace them?


Active Member
the more its messed or meddled the chances of killing the seedling are higher, well if the soil is oist enough just leave it in the growing environmnet...


Ok, leave it alone stop watering it, u have no pics so we cant really give u a precise answer. Hopefully it will be ok just keep the humidity high and keep it warm and it should be fine, just have patience.. peace.


Well-Known Member
If you can't wait a few days for a seedling to break the surface before you go poking and messing with it, you're doomed. Growing takes patience. Leave it be, keep the soil moist and it should be fine unless you really damaged it. You've got a few month process ahead of you and getting anxious in the first few days is not a good way to start.


So the seedling is okay, nothing wrong with it? or should I germ another seed? because it's not damaged it's just the shell that came off.


Well-Known Member
germ as many seeds as ya can. gotta think, ya plant 10, 3 dont grow. of the 7, 4 are male. of those 3 females left over, 1 has bad genes and is slow/weak. gives you 2 females of decent strains. keep planting seeds til you get a few strains that are fast at growing, potent, and *easy to clone*.

currently i have 3 strains. 1 is sturdy, clones never die. another is pretty good all around, and the last is an awesome high, but the clones are weak and about half die.


Well-Known Member
if you have roots coming from the seeds then just leave them be ! The roots will push down and the seed will eventually pop up through the dirt and fall off. This process can take from 3 days to over a week sometimes. After a week I would probably say that the seed is no good. If the shell fell off easy then it is probably ready to start getting light so place that part of the seedling up at the top of the dirt .but to be very honest with you , growing is for the patient folks and you should spend ALOT of time reading and investigating how to grow before just jumping in head first. It will save you alot of wasted time and money ! I was in your shoes before and I will gladly help you with any other probs. u have as well as hundreds of people on this site but just look for an answer before posting a question cause there are a few that will get nasty with noobs on here it happened to me alot !!! haha take care


Well-Known Member
for sure I totally und . when the shell comes off like that there will be a white ball and there is a protective layer that will be over the little baby leaves that has to come off then the plant will start to grow . sometimes in ur sit. you have to manipulate the lil layer over the leaves off with a toothpick or somthing small but you have to be extremely careful or you will kill the baby !


I just left it alone and just put a little soil over it and sprinkled some water on it, is that okay? i really hope it's going to be ok, i'm sick of buying weed lol


Well-Known Member
The shell coming off the plant generally isn't a problem unless you're forcing it off. The only time I've ever had to manually remove a seed was at the point the 1st leaves were trying to stretch out from under the seed and it was already above the soil but the leaves can't spread because they're trapped in the seed. You should never have to do that until the seed has already grown a green shoot above the soil and you can see the leaves.

Your soil should be staying generally moist without needing to rewater it if. If it's not you might want to use a humidity dome (or what I do when starting in 16oz cups is just put saran wrap over the top and poke a few holes in it). If the top dries out before the taproot stretches down into the deeper (hopefully) moist soil, the seedling will die. If you're covering the seed with more than 1/4" of dirt it may not be able to reach to the top. At this point you've screwed with it quite a bit -- just leave it be and hope it comes out or pop another bean. Live and learn. This is why we don't buy expensive seeds for the first grow. You may also want to examine your soil mix. A good mix will retain water for a while while also providing enough drainage that you shouldn't have to worry about overwatering causing root rot.

I use the water method of germinating and don't plant my seeds until the taproot has already cracked out of the shell, and that produces pretty good success rates for me. Did you put the seed in the soil as is or did you germinate it first and then plant it?