seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour


Active Member
hey guys, first grow here, set up as follows
2 Arjans Haze #1 seedlings growing in soil
125W CFL
100mm in line duct fan
2x 120mm PC fans for circulating air
Temps between 75 (dark period) and 85 (light period)
Using a 20/4 light cycle

I am about 2 and half weeks in since they sprouted, had to transplant at a very young age, due to roots coming from bottom of pot, they seemed to slow down a bit after this but have recently started growing quickly again.

They are both just showing their 3rd true leaf set, however one plant is about half the size of the other, this one looks very unhealthy, the leaves are growing bent, they look swollen and bumpy, they are also losing colour, turning kind of white in places, and curling up at the tips on the biggest set of leaves. I've got the best picture I could with the camera on my phone, they actually look a lot more healthy in the picture than they do in RL!

Any ideas guys?!?!



Well-Known Member
nut burn did u give them nut at the first and if so that was wrong no nut to 3-4 week after transplant and it seem ur over water....water once a week or when the soil in dry usally has a grey layer on it if it dry mate


Active Member
haven't given them any nutes at all, ever, and have only been watering when i can feel that the soil is dry a couple of inches deep! All they have had is bottled spring water!

I think I may have over watered a little the first week, but since then have corrected it, It's confusing because I've done nothing different with the other plant and it seems to be thriving!!!


Well-Known Member
well i may not b right but sum springwater has added minnerals in thier bottles it may have locked out a needed nutruent from the soil but im just guessing

that and your soil looks over saturated you dont want a moat around your pot when it drains threw maby a few drops or so when watering do it very slowly


Well-Known Member
also thats 2 and a half weeks thats a very slow groth 20/4 isent a very good light scheld may be throwing it off a bit


Active Member
Thanks for yhe replies guys, keep em coming

yeah i also thought it was growing slow compared to other people, but it put this down to the transplant slowing it down while it got over the shock.

I dont think it cud be the water, as the other plant has had the same water and seems fine, as I say its double the size of that one, that particular plant has seemed weaker right from a seed.

the picture was taken just after watering, does it look like I am still watering too much?? Would it help if i post a pic of the other plant for a comparison???

Also i've been told I should add some perlite to the soil to help with drainage and o2 to the roots, this would obviously mean another transplant, would that be a good idea, or would it do more damge than good?

As for the 20/4 light cycle, is it a real bad idea??? Should I switch to either 18/6 or 24/0, you think this may help the slow growth?

Sorry again for all the noobish questions, but cheers for any help!


Well-Known Member
I always go with 24/0 for veg.give your plant about two-three days to dry out then water every three days thereafter. water untill you see a little runoff from the bottom of the pot.......Add 1 table spoon of molasses to 1 gal.of water this will give her some micro nutes untill you start feeding regular nutrients ..hope this info helps ........


Active Member
cool cheers, will switching lights to 24/0 after two weeks have any adverese effects?

I have been watering even less than once every 3 days, she's been water 3 times in two and bit weeks, including the first watering when i put the germinated seed in.

As for the mollases, where can i get this?? If i just go to my local garden centre and ask for mollases will they know what i mean? or is this a brand name or something? I'm in UK btw


Well-Known Member
well im not to familiar with using mollases but here in the us if its the same kind im thinking of you can get it at the grocery store/food store what ever you call it over thier i have no idea but ya just take a few mins andmake shure thats the right kind or just post or search 4 threads where 2 get it


Well-Known Member
ya next time you transplant it should be the last time for flowering add sum perlite in thier it looks like you have littel to none currently


Well-Known Member
Go to the grocery store , make sure you get unsulfered molasses it will say on the jar...........dont worry I think your gonna be ok.......any more questions just ask.......gonna be gone for about 1 hour but i will be back...................


Active Member
right here's what I am gonna do,
go shopping tomorrow and get some perlite, bigger pots and mollases (if i can find it). Will give her a good few days to dry out then transplant to bigger pots (think maybe I should drill some extra drainage holes in???), adding perlite and then water down with a small amount of mollases in the water.

Hopefully my baby will recover, if not I still got one healthy plant i guess :-?

Thought I'd give you a pic of the healthy girl, so you can see how different the two are although they have had exactly the same conditions!!!



Well-Known Member
ya thats what 2 1/2 weeks should look like mabymore or less but depending on strain it varies but ya that 1 is lookin pretty good

did your Cotyledons fall off yet


Active Member
nah they haven't fell yet, they are still hidden under there, still looking very green and healthy, is this a good or bad thing? lol


Active Member
hey guys, update!!!

Just noticed in small letters on the bottle of spring water i've been using, it says, pH at source 7.8!!!

Could this be whats got my lil girl in such a bad way??? Although once again, the other plant is fine and has had the same water!!!

Desperately need a pH meter!


Well-Known Member
Go to walmart over by the fish aquariums you'll see a little ph tester kit , then get a bottle of white distilled vinegar,add about 1/8 of a capfull of your gal. of water until your ph gets down to 6.5-6.8.....Let me stress this is just a temporary fix until you can get a better ph tester and some ph down solution ....I don't recomend using vinegar for extended periods... but it can be used in a pinch....hope you can use the info bro, Let me know how it goes....


Active Member
cheers mate, except no walmart, i'm in UK :cry:

i'm gonna have to sacrifice a nights smoke, so I can go buy one lol, all in good cause eh?

Is there any specific brand/name of a pH down that I might find in UK?

Ideal pH is between 6-6.5 right?

Also if it is pH related, is she likely to recover from it? If not I might have to germ another seed as a back up, trouble is if she recovers I dont really have space for 3 plants!


Well-Known Member
sorry about the can get the ph test kit and ph down in your local pet shop......I know you guy's have pet shop just kidding bro.....over here you can get both for less thsn $10.00 us..........Got to go to my little girls christmas play be back in a bit.....


Active Member
lol my lil girl had a christmas party to go to today, its all go this time o year aint it!!!

hmmm... pet shop... yeah I'm pretty certain we have those over here! :p

I'm sure the people working there will be completely useless tho lol

Grow shops seem to be the only shops that still wanna help their customers!!

Hopefully i can get to one tomoro, i'll let you know how it goes!


Well-Known Member
yeah I hear you Bro ....usually ther're a little cheaper at the pet shop .... Its about a 1 hr trip to my nearest hydro supply [thats 1 way ] so I try to locate what i can close by......keep me updated....