seedlind problems please help


ok so seeds have started and have got there first set of leafs not the round ones the real ones and the 3 leaf sets are cumming in . i think its been like two weeks. i fucked up by using a soilless mix with the time release nutes . all the leafs have burns around there edges . and one has like tan dried looking spots on it that end up turning dead. i think i might have burnt them they are under 4 cfls like 26 watts each. and the seedlings are in those little like one inch seedling starter trays
so what can i do ? can i like transplant thm to another medium without the nutes and is it to early to even touch them . they are small plants but so are the containers they are in . thanx . ill try to get some pics on here but pleasse let me know what i should do:peace::roll: