Seed vs. Clone


Does a seed take longer to start budding than a clone? I have 5 clones and 1 seed. All 5 clones are starting to flower, meanwhile, the seed(which is Trainwreck) is the only one still in veg state.


Well-Known Member
starting from seeds takes longer, and even feminized is not a garentee its going to be female

clones grow up faster, and are 100% chance of being the same sex as the mother plant


Well-Known Member
how positive your are you that your seed is the trainwreck? ive heard its a really rare strain


Well-Known Member
well im sure you would grow some diggity dank of it, but if you got it from a "person" or "the dude" id be suspect of it...

dont want to cramp your grow, but i think TW is only available from clone from some one who has been growing it for years