seed troubles


Active Member
well i ordered seeds from bc, im in the us. i planted them i guess i was too anxious to start i could have over watered and killed it before it started. any one have bad experiances with seed growth? it's been years since i grew anything but i have harvested a couple time so im not completely new.
what can 1, over watter seeds do?
or what could light do to the seeds?
it's been almost a week with only small root tap not even out of shell. this morning i discovered small bit of mold of dirt surface. i used all new soiless mix with new containers with bottled water. im all lost..... was it moisture and dark that made the mold. white in color not too scary looking but my seeds havent sprouted. i could change the soiless mix to try and save the couple seeds with root tips emerging and order more seeds. i guess im sharing my story for experiance and any tips thanks. i also watched like 4 videos online. i think i was plauged with bad luck from the get go when the first seeds got thrown away by recipent. and had to reorder.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
for the seeds the way i always crack them i slike this, i wrap the seeds in a paper towel and put it in a plastic cup and soak with water until there is just a little water on the bottom of the cup then i put a piece of plastic wrap over it and put it on a heat mat, or even on my cable box, anything to keep then a little warm, most crack overnight or within the next day or 2, as soon as they crack i put them in jiffy mix and wait for them to pop up, once they do i start feeding them 1/4 strength nutes, as for the mold i have the same problem right now, i have some 3 day old seedlings and they started to get this white fuzz on the top of the dirt, the guy at the grow store said it was actually beneficial fungi and not to worry but im worrying anyway, im going to try some dilute peroxide on them tonight and see if that will do it otherwise ill use some florashield