Seed success rate?


So I am looking to start a grow, what I am trying to figure out is the success rate for seeds to take and grow.

How many seeds of a strain should I pick up and what could I expect to actually make it. Say I get 10 seeds of one strain how many out of the 10 will make it without becoming a hermie or dying, or not even germinating?

I would like to try a few strains at once but trying to get a good idea on how many seeds of each I should actually pick up and give a go.



Well-Known Member
fill a pill bottle halfway with RO/distilled water and two drops seaweed fert. when seeds sink, plant them in peat, about 2/3" down. all will grow. bold statement,


Active Member
I Germinated seeds for the first time recently (had done all my previous growing with clones) and ended up buying 15 seeds, 3 different strains. 14/15 germinated fine, and are quite healthy after several weeks and show no signs of having problems with growth. Doing all kinds of research on ways to germinate, I ended up just poking the seeds in root riot cubes in a dome. They were growing at all different speeds, so all sprouts and seeds that were cracked were all moved to solo cups with soil out of the dome, and as I said all but 1 did fine. They aren't ready for me to start the sexing process yet however, so can't comment on fallouts from that.


Well-Known Member
why would you fertilize a seed? they have all the nutrition they will need to get started contained within them self.


Active Member
why would you fertilize a seed? they have all the nutrition they will need to get started contained within them self.
On that same note I did actually use a little bit of that seaweed fert in my root riots, and a drop or too of rooting stuff "Rootbastic" I think its called, I had a free sample lying around (might have actually been a similar product).

WHY? I duno, I figured why not?


Well-Known Member
You will get the best success rate by using peat pots and a humidity dome. I used to use the paper towel method and can tell you this works better. Also your germ rate is going to depend on selecting a reputable breeder and seedbank. Attitude and Single Seed Center are great. So is but they don't ship to the USA anymore. In my experience anything from Big Buddah, Delicious, Paradise, Barneys, or Sweet Seeds will all germ at or above 80 percent and be female (if that is what you ordered). I've had some shitty luck with less well known breeders.


Best way for me to germinate is the paper towel method, using a saucer and a bowl on top. Easy peasy always 90-95% germination.

Chem Dawg

New Member
All my seeds germinate within 12hrs-24 hrs.. The key is keeping the seeds warm, dark, and moist.. I wet paper towels that are folded into 4's and ring them out so they are damp only.. Place the seed in the middle of paper towel and fold it a few times.. If you have multiple seeds of the same strain then you can put them all in one.. I place the folded paper towel/towels on a small ceramic plate and cover the plate with clear food wrap to create a humidity dome.... Then I cover the plate with a black cloth or anything the light won't penetrate.. the reason I cover it is because I usually put the plate in the veg cab wich is obviously lit.. But you could put the plate on top of a cable box if need be.. As long as the plate stay between 78f and 85f you will have quarter inch taproots in no more than 24hrs.. I've never had a seed not germ and the longest seed took my about 36 hrs. But honestly I see most ready to plant between 12-24hrs.. Hope this helps man..


Active Member
I am a first time grower as weel and I started and crack 9 for 9. I bought a dome with a warmer and oh yah... 1 week later out and in pots for grow. chk out my pics you'll see the dome.


Well-Known Member
I never understood the bit about putting a plate or bowl or anything on top of the beans. I simply put them in a plastic baggie with a wetted paper towel and put the baggie on top of my cable box, nothing on top, nothing on bottom. I get about 98% germination, but this is using bagseed that can be anywhere from 5 to 30 years old. Yes, I have seeds that old and no, I have never kept them in a fridge or anything special. They have been through 30 or so years of temperature fluctuations, sat in a storage bin for two years, out in the open in the house on my tray, no special storage at all and they still almost always sprout. I know people like to baby things and make a science of it, but when you get down to basics, it's just growing a plant, nothing more. KISS is the best philosophy,keep it simple stupid.

Chem Dawg

New Member
The food wrap serves the same purpose as your baggies.. And the plate just creates a buffer .. Especially if your cable box is extremely hot.. But dark , warm, and humid will do the trick.. But I agree.... KISS


Thanks for responses, I guess I am more concerned with how many will be female or hermie. I was reading some horror stories of guys trashing the whole lot because they were all herms.

Im going with attitude for the seeds. I was about to place order the other day but im going to do it tomorrow. looking into the following any opinions

-Liberty haze
-G13 haze
-Pineapple chunk

-Jack herer
-Hawaiian snow