Seed Storing


If I don't plan on growing for a little while say like 6months, would it be a stupid idea to buy seeds now or should I wait until I'm ready? I'm asking because I figured it'd be better to have the seeds already rather than try holding onto the money for later on.

If so what are the proper storing conditions? I'd search but I'm on my phone and it won't let me.


Well-Known Member
If I don't plan on growing for a little while say like 6months, would it be a stupid idea to buy seeds now or should I wait until I'm ready? I'm asking because I figured it'd be better to have the seeds already rather than try holding onto the money for later on.

If so what are the proper storing conditions? I'd search but I'm on my phone and it won't let me.
air tight container...if you live in an area with high humidity you can throw in some silica gel packets to remove the moisture from the air inside the container...then just stick em somewhere cool and yer good to go for several years :D

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I store seeds in the little vials they come in and then put those in a padded envelope and that in the vegetable drawer of the fridge. Never a problem. BUT, if it were me I would wait and order so that I would be germinating fresher seeds. No reason - human nature.