seed problems


New Member
germinated my seeds put them in regular dirt they never came up, two seedlings came up in potting soil but I think to much water got them my fault there need some help on what kind of potting soil to get or seed mix and do I need to water at all or what. Ive growed before but never had a problem like this any advice would help


Well-Known Member
i use a seed starter kit (tray, white styrofoam plug holder, seed plug medium and humidome. i have great success with this setup. germ them in a glass of h2o, put in paper towel when tap root pops for 24hrs, then into seed starter medium. then under 24/7 6500k t8 bulbs when sprout pops out. NO NUTES!!! ph h2o only.


Well-Known Member
I use a similar method but I'm in hydro. I use a prop tray with a humidity dome as well, but I use rockwool cubes as the medium. Soak them for 10 seconds in 5.5ph adjusted water, and put your seeds in. Put them under t5s 24/0, 100% success.


i just put the germinated seeds in a pot (30% peat, 30% sand, 30% perlite) under 1-2 cm of peat.

I put the newborn root directed up (but this is not so important)

then you have to leave it wet, they will come out very easily.


Well-Known Member
So same concept only you will use the rapid rooter plugs as your starting medium. You want the plugs fully wet at the very beginning, then don't water again until the plug is dry. When you get several roots you can transplant. I usually have seedlings ready for veg in 14 days or less from plant.


Well-Known Member
i just put the germinated seeds in a pot (30% peat, 30% sand, 30% perlite) under 1-2 cm of peat.

I put the newborn root directed up (but this is not so important)

then you have to leave it wet, they will come out very easily.
I don't even understand what this says... You do what with the roots? Direct them up? Quiet please, a new person is trying to learn proper.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
I have a method composed of various other techniques which gives me a good rate of success

1/ Float the seeds in a small glass of blood temp water, leave for 3-4 hours, some will sink, some wont.

2/ dampen a piece of paper towel or toilet tissue and put the seeds on this, fold over to keep the light out a bit, the tissue should be damp but not soaking.

3/ put the folded tissue with the seeds inside into a sealed small tupperware dish, sealing the dish stops the tissue drying out.

4/ I believe this is the most important. give the dish with tissue and seeds enclosed some heat. I use a heated propogator, but if you can use a method which keeps the container in temps of around 80 degrees F then that is what you need, keep in dark or dim condition if possible

5/ check every day and seeds will usually sprout between 1 and 2 days --sometimes 3

as I said I'm no expert but Ive been growing for years in my own way and had some success and some failures, but since I started using the method above Ive had success sprouting the seeds. Its the 3 months after that that always trips me up.

Good Luck