seed gernimating question


Active Member
I just planted 2 fem. white widow skunks and 4 free afgan strain and was curious if I should have the humidity dome on top of the rapid rooter tray or leave it off? Sorry if this is a dumb question but it is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
yepper.. keep it on until you see a sprout trying to make it above the surface.. then poke holes in the dome and put under cfls for a couple of days.. once the embryo has sprouted its first two psuedo-leaves (they are not 'real' leaves), then take the dome off and lower the light as close as you can without harming the plant.. (couple inches for cfls .. if u have an HID light, keep it at least 2.5 feet from the sprout)... do not over-water! .. just spray the inside of the top of the dome once a day until you take the dome off... good luck