Stop handling it-- the oils and salts from your hands can cause diseases/mold etc..
That is what it is SUPPOSED to look like-- you just haven't been patient enough-- plant it with the sprout down so you can still see the tip of the shell... it will be a true sprout in 3-5 days with 2 oval cotyledon leaves--- once she gets 3 sets of TRUE leaves, she will be "vegging" and you can figure out how long you want to veg her before she goes 12/12 to flower (base it on breeder specs of size-- usually they double in height in flower)
And like the man said-- do NOT use nutrients... just organic soil, or soiless medium, or rooting cubes--- if using rooting cubes (or even peat pellets) plant them in their cups as soon as the 1st root starts to show outside the cube/pellet- then plant the whole thing so it is level with the soil...