Security! Must read!


Active Member
The first thing people do when they start growing is tell everyone. No nutrient burn, heat stress, watering issues, or bug is worse than sitting in handcuffs watching the task force take your babies and equipment that you worked your ass off to purchase and set up. Not only that, but it WILL land you and FBI number AND in jail. I dont even know what an FBI number means, but for your bail bondsman to tell you that you have one is scary as fuck. I started out JUST like that. It is NEVER safe to trust anyone with the information that you are growing or WHERE you are growing. Keeping your mouth shut is the hardest thing to do. if you are not able to do this, you are not mature enough to grow. its that simple. a good lawyer is going to cost thousands of dollars.. i dont mean $5k.. i wish i even meant $10k... i paid $25k for a lawyer to beat my case. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE MEANS TO RETAIN GOOD LEGAL COUNSEL, DO NOT TELL A FUCKING SOUL! Believe me, its not fun. if it werent for my parents having the income that they do, id still be in jail. not only that, but the several months following, they continued to harass me. No blinker - pulled over and searched. after about the 30th time of being searched and Sheriff's coming to my door with a BRAND NEW search warrant to have a look around my house, i gave up all hope. Disclosing any incriminating evidence would just be stupid. but when they did arrive the first time, being met with AR-15 rifles in my face like i was cooking meth for pre-schoolers was quite a shock. i was HIGH AS FUCK. for some reason, cops do not give a fuck if you are growing for yourself or for the whole town. in their eyes, you are a dirty drug dealer and its their job to bring you down. 3 oz's of dirt weed and 3 seedlings were all they got on me. these mother fuckers took the tvs off of my wall, took my guns, and took my grow equipment... sadly they didnt stop there... they took my brand new truck. watching some asshole pig drive off in your Harley Davidson F-150 isnt what you want to see. LUCKILY, by the grace of GOD, they abused their power and their search warrant. i got my stuff back, but it wasnt no next day shit... it took months... getting my dignity back from the public humiliation of being arrested in front of my neighbors, or from my gf being arrested for the same, and having to explain to my parents why i smoke/grow marijuana took much longer than getting my shit. I can not express to you my hatred for law enforcement... if you are growing weed to sell and make a fuck ton of money off of, you should consider rethinking the goals you have set for yourself in life and take a long hard look in a mirror... GETTING CAUGHT ISNT WORTH IT! that doesnt mean quit growing.. it means BE A MATURE ADULT AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! If EVEN ONE other person besides yourself or your growing partner (i dont recommend having a partner as people seem to have falling outs with people on the reg), its ONE TOO MANY! The cops WILL come to your door if they find out. and they arent the kind of visitors that knock... battering rams work VERY VERY well against locks! if they catch you with enough, they can seize ALL of your shit! they can confiscate your home, your car, and anything of value. not only CAN they do this, THEY WILL!!!! a good seizure and forfeiture lawyer is usually around $250/hr... 52 billed hours later, i got my shit back... for my pot head friends that dont care to count.. thats $13000! on top of the $10k retainer fee for the possession charge and $2k for "travel expenses"... Take it from a retard who got caught... YOU CANT AFFORD TO GET CAUGHT!!!! I wasnt even mad about my stuff being seized.. i was fucking pissed that they took my passion... my work... i enjoy getting on here and helping people with problems and assisting people with questions. i havent been a member here for long, but ive grown for a long time and had many many successful grows from the best genetics i could buy. ive been bored growing the same strains and taken the hard road and grown plants from bagseed even when i didnt have to. its fun to challenge your knowledge. i still run into things i cant explain, and still get help from this very forum. shit happens. JUST MAKE SURE YOU ARENT THE SHIT THAT HAPPENS! dont get carried away and order a million things online... people watch that shit. the attitude seed bank is my ONLY recommendation for fast, discreet shipping on seeds. dont use a credit card. pay to send them an international money order and wait. you arent in that big of a hurry! if you are, DONT GROW! PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE!! i recommend making your grow equipment... find a good DIY method. i say this bc im the fucking idiot who spent $4000 on the best hydroponic equipment online... DONT DO THIS!!! PEOPLE ARE WATCHING!!!! if you cant afford to get caught, you cant afford to grow!!! a lot of this may seem repetitive, BC IT IS!! i cant reiterate it enough.. always pay cash... Dead presidents cant talk!! I hope that people read this and listen.. its solid advice from someone who now knows better... if someone missed it, this last part is for you - KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT and grow in peace..


and i thought i was paranoid before. Cheers mate, everyone gets sloppy and everyone needs to be reminded to keep their head down. Good post