Security Issue! must transplant a 3 ft plant from the ground!!!!

So long story short, in a horrific turn of events, someone put a hunting post in a tree near my baby! WTF? Anyway shes been in about 2 cuft of soil for near a month, so root structure's probably pretty big but i must transplant or she will compromise the other 2 in the field

Is this even possible? I was just gonna wet the soil, cut a wide circle around it, then use a wide shovel to lever it out and lift it into another pre-wetted pot of ffof.

I guess Im wondering #1, it there anything to treat it w/ to help the shock

#2 should i focus on securing the taproot or the side roots? the reason I ask this is the furthur out i go from the stem the more likely the soil will fall away from and expose the root system, jeez the idea of cutting the roots is horrifying, but if i cut it too wide then it will disintegrate..

i guess its better than murdering a plant with no buds... right????


Active Member
*I have never done this*
Dig a huge ass circle around it bigger than u think the roots are. lift it out with a few homies and a few shovels. if u see roots, i would suggest putting one layer of soil watered heavily with a rooting hormone, then plant the sucker in and pack with fresh soil. Water it good and pray to the cannabis gods


Well-Known Member
I would say you can do it as long as you're careful, most gaardeners transplant plants and so do landscapers, they do it to trees bushes and flowers so I'd say it's doable, naturally you will shock it but I'm sure it will survive.