Second rinse (bud used for tincture) or not worth it at this point?

I have two jars with about 10-14g of flowers in each and am wondering what to do with them.

First jar was used to make a THC-A tincture - so no decarb. After about 3 weeks of using about 15ml straight from the jar I took out a 30ml dropper bottle full for future THC-A needs and put the jar in a dark place giving it a weekly shake. Four months have passed since and I'm about to put into dropper bottles what's left.

Second jar was decarbed. Pulled off a 30ml dropper bottle and left the rest to sit in the alcohol for another month before bottling that. That jar with only bud now has lived in the freezer the last four months.

Wondering if there's any value to be had in the remaining bud and if so what I should do. Not sure if there's anything left to extract, esp. from the first jar after four months of soaking. My thought (figuring that even if there's nothing worth extracting it wouldn't hurt) is to combine the bud into a single jar, freeze for a day, cover it with fresh grain alcohol, let that soak for x amount of time (?), drain, toss the bud, and use the alcohol for the next tincture run. In my country grain alcohol is cheap and easily available, and though it wouldn't be much work at all maybe it's not even worth any time to try to squeeze anything more out of either jar.