Second Grow...

...Okay folks, I'm finally on my second grow. My first grow was a closet LED experiment, and well, it wasn't all that good. So I took to the garage...and now...I have three plants in large sized pots w/ excellent soil from the local hydro shop, under a 600w HPS. The temps are okay, but not super desirable (good enough?)...I water when the soil is dry at a ph of 6.1 - 6.3 and I add B'Cuzz high phosphorous liquid nutes every other watering...and some molasses here and there. The plants are Sativa strain--bag seed from the Mexican garbage that comes across the border into So-Cal. The plants are healthy and strong, the buds look good, but after 5 weeks into flowering they don't look like they are gonna grow big colas, although the bud is starting to plump up and look nice. Any suggestions? Or is Mexican schwagg just not a high yielder due to its inferior genetics?
Thanks RIU!