Second grow with LED Plantphotonics.3 x Easyrider, 1 x Royal queen Bluematatic. autos


New Member
Second grow with the plantphotonics led 70watt dual spectrum unit. 3 lowryder easyryder and 1 roayal queen bluematic. All autos. all seeds planted on oct 5th direct to coco with a mix of guano and worm castings and some bone meal. no nutes given at all except 2 doses of big bud in last 2 weeks and 2 doses of bloom nutes at half mix...the plants seemed happy with what i put in grow medium and leaves did not indicate any shortages of nutes, and then a week of flushing. the pics are of the bluematic...the easyryders will be ready to chop in a week or two...still waiting for more brown pistils. All lights on 18 / 6 for whole grow although easyryder is reccomended to be on a 20 / 4 schedule. Will post final weight when dry.Total grow time is exactly 2 months from seed to compost to cut down. will add an update when we have tried it out.



Well-Known Member
Look good nice grow.How did she bluematic smoke....and How did the Lowryder smoke...What was your weight....Excellent job!!!...